
Patrons and Council Members
The Honourable Donald Tsang, GBM
Chief Executive
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Mrs Marjorie Bray
Dr Bessie Chiang
Mr Stephen Fisher, JP
Mrs Helen Kwok
Professor Dennis S.C. Lam
Professor C.K. Poon, GBS, JP
Council Members 2008/09
Mr Clive Oxley (until 10 Dec 2008)
Mrs Rachel Cartland (since 11 Dec 2008)
Mrs Rachel Cartland (until 10 Dec 2008)
Mr Michael Szeto Chak Wah (since 11 Dec 2008)
Hon Treasurer
Mr Michael Choi Man Chau
Hon Legal Adviser
Mr Peter Chan Kin Sang
Hon Medical Adviser
Dr Ho Chi Kin (until 10 Dec 2008)
Dr Hui Siu Ping (since 11 Dec 2008)
Mr Leo Barretto
Mr Chong Chan Yau
Dr Ho Chi Kin
Ms Susan Ho Suet Fun
Ms Winnie Kong Lai Wan (since 11 Dec 2008)
Ms Ida Lam Choi Chu
Mr Lam Wai Pong
Ms Maureen Tam Ching Yi
Co-opted Members
Mr Lawrence Lai Man Leung (since 11 Dec 2008)
Mr Lam Chung Yun
Finance & Administration Committee
Mr Michael Choi
Dr Vincent Kwan
Mr Lam Chung Yun
Mr Roger Ling
Ex-officio Members
Mr Clive Oxley (until 10 Dec 2008)
Mrs Rachel Cartland (since 11 Dec 2008)
Ms Maureen Tam
Rehabilitation Committee
Ms Ida Lam Choi Chu
Mr Chan Siu Fai
Mr Tsang Kin Ping
Mr Wong Tak Ming
Ms Kitty Chung
Ex-officio Members
Mr Clive Oxley (until 10 Dec 2008)
Mrs Rachel Cartland (since 11 Dec 2008)
Ms Maureen Tam
Research & Development Committee
Dr. Ho Chi Kin (until 10 Dec 2008)
Dr Hui Siu Ping (since 11 Dec 2008)
Dr Martha Hui
(On overseas leave,represented by Dr. Kenneth Sin)
Mr Joseph Kwan
Mr Joseph Cho
Ex-officio Members
Mr Clive Oxley (until 10 Dec 2008)
Mrs Rachel Cartland (since 11 Dec 2008)
Ms Maureen Tam
Residential Services Committee
Mr Lam Wai Pong
Ms Shirley Cheung Yuet Mei
Dr Ho Chi Kin
Ms Susan Ho Suet Fun
Ms Amy Tso
Ms Doreen Mui
Ex-officio Members
Mr Clive Oxley (until 10 Dec 2008)
Mrs Rachel Cartland (since 11 Dec 2008)
Ms Maureen Tam
Factory Management Committee
Mr Michael Szeto
Mr Colin Bosher
Ms Winnie Kong
Mr Lawrance Lai (since 11 Dec 2008)
Mr Roger Ling
Ms Phoenix Cheung
Ex-officio Members
Mr Clive Oxley (until 10 Dec 2008)
Mrs Rachel Cartland (since 11 Dec 2008)
Ms Maureen Tam
Chairman's Foreword
It has been an honour to succeed Clive Oxley as Chairman of the Hong Kong Society for the Blind. I do not think that I will be able to equal Clive’s record of length of service of some twenty years. I will do my best to meet the standards that he has set in terms of dedication to the service of the visually impaired, although in that too his record is hard to match. The great esteem in which he is held was amply demonstrated at our Farewell Dinner for him, held on 4 February 2009, though his own reaction to the tributes was one of typical modesty. We wish himand his devoted wife, Jean, the very best for their new life back in the UK; we know that he will continue his interest in the welfare of the visually impaired and look forward to often welcoming him back to Hong Kong and keeping him up to date with our activities.
The Chairman’s task is made easier by the wonderful support of the loyal staff of the Society, whose cheerfulness, diligence and commitment to the needs of their clients is always inspiring. We are also very fortunate in our large network of volunteers, some of whom spend almost as much time with us as they would for a full-time job! The bi-annual ceremony cum award presentation to which they are all invited, is highly enjoyable and a small token of our gratitude. We are grateful too to those celebrities and socially prominent people who take time out of their busy schedules to grace our functions and help with our activities, thus ensuring valuable publicity for the Society. Members of the Council of the Society and its Committees contribute in many different ways and provide leadership and perspective. We recognise with appreciation as well the many donors whose gifts, whether large or small, help us in our mission of serving our visually impaired fellow citizens.
While our basic mission is always the same, the way in which we achieve it will vary somewhat from year to year. During 2008-09, many of our new projects and services seemed to share a theme of innovation with the aim of giving our members more exposure to a range of different experiences, while also increasing public understanding of the potential and abilities of the visually impaired. The launching of the Braille eBook Reservation System was a milestone and we hope to be able to provide many more Braille books both for leisure reading and also to meet the needs of the new school syllabus with its emphasis on choice and liberal education. Our Blind Golf Campaign proved how ably the visually impaired can take part in this sport and was an opportunity for pleasurable co-operation with the sighted volunteer partners. Another highlight was the Charity Concert held at Metroplaza in Kwai Fong, thanks to generous sponsorship from the Sun Hung Kai Group, where the performances gave great pleasure to the crowd of Saturday shoppers as well as those who were specifically attending. The year’s busy programme contained much else as well, such as the opening of our Empower Shop to give our members a real life work experience, the mini-Olympics and essay competition organized by the Parents Resource Centre and various talks and functions to mark World Sight Day and White Cane Day.
Rest assured, though, that we do not intend to rest on our laurels but will build on these achievements and move forward with hope and a positive attitude to obtain the best possible quality of life for the visually impaired!
Rachel Cartland
Chief Executive’s Report
Time flies quickly; it is more than a year since I took up the position as the new Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Society for the Blind upon the retirement of my predecessor, Mrs Grace Chan, on 1 January, 2008.
I am glad to have inherited a firm foundation from my predecessors who have made tremendous contribution to pioneer new services to meet the ever-changing and diversified needs of the visually impaired persons in Hong Kong and the region over the
past fifty-two years.
Yet many challenges still lie ahead. Being the principal service provider of various rehabilitation services for the visually impaired persons in Hong Kong, we are vested with the responsibility to make further strides in launching innovative projects with new service modes and approaches, apart from making good use of information technology to help our service targets for better social integration and equal participation in the community.
"Vision is our Mission", the slogan is concise yet it clearly shows what the Hong Kong Society for the Blind is striving to achieve. Among the wide range of rehabilitation services developed, we maintain efforts on primary eye care service, public awareness campaign on prevention of blindness and to make the most out of the talents and abilities of visually impaired persons for more employment opportunities as our key service directions.In terms of direct rehabilitation services, promotion of vocational training, supported employment and information accessibility were main focuses of the year.
There was the launching of the first Braille eBook Reservation System last August that facilitates visually impaired persons to gain point-to-point access to various Braille eBooks via internet and emails. The opening of the Empower Shop supported by the Lions Club of Happy Valley and the Sight Restoration Campaign Foundation, in June 2008, was a pilot project which provides training to visually impaired persons as sale assistants. The visually impaired trainees were able to polish their social skills and sales technique. Sales revenue generated from the Shop would be used to support payment of trainees’ allowance and the Shop’s future development. In addition, the launching of Cando.hk website, which is dedicated to visually impaired job seekers and their potential employers, was one of the new employment service ventures. The website adopts a proactive approach by introducing visually impaired job seekers to the enlightened potential employers.
The pilot programme on “email to voice” marked another milestone in utilizing telecommunication as a tool that enables email access on the internet. Visually impaired persons are able to access emails by calling the phone number of our tele-digital library and send email messages through the system. Since its trial run in late 2008, the number of visually impaired users is on the rise as it gives them an alternative of using email apart from working through computers.
The loss of sight should not limit visually impaired persons from getting involved in the community. Blind Golf, which was introduced to Hong Kong by the International Blind Golf Association and the Legendary Golf Academy in Hong Kong in 2006, was an interesting sport activity to the visually impaired persons. The Can't See Can Tee Affinity Group Blind Golf Campaign 2008, which was held on 30 September at the SkyCity Nine Eagles Golf Course in Chek Lap Kok, showed good team spirit in both sighted and blind golfers. Apart from swimming, visually impaired persons are now able to enjoy many types of sports that we would never have thought of — blind marathon, judo, lawn bowling, canoeing, blind golf and water adventure are just some of the examples. We can add more to the list to enrich the life of the visually impaired.
Radio broadcasting and training as Master of Ceremony were two new programmes introduced to youth members of the Parents Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children. They made remarkable progress and were able to give impressive performance at the Charity Concert to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Parents Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired Children. The talented visually impaired singers, musicians and dancers were warmly received by the audience in Kwai Fong’s Metro Plaza during the Charity Marathon Concert held on 21 & 22 February, 2009.
The Hong Kong Society for the Blind was active both locally and internationally, holding a key position in the World Blind Union East Asia and Pacific Regional Massage Commission, as a Council member of the International Agency for Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), and a key member of the Low-Vision Programme Committee of the IAPB. We organized a Hong Kong delegation of twenty-two members to the 9th WBU East Asia and Pacific Regional Massage Seminar held in May 2008 in Beijing. We also received the Chairperson and key members of the IAPB Low-Vision Programme Committee in February 2009 in Hong Kong, for a three-day intensive meeting to develop low vision training curriculum as a prototype for all low-vision programmes in the developing countries.
Instructors of the Rehabilitation Centre, optometrists of the General Eye and Low Vision Centre and staff members of the Barrier- Free Access Technology Services were invited to visit Shenzhen to conduct training courses for rehabilitation personnel of the Mainland to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to enhance the rehabilitation of the visually impaired, as well as their social integration in a barrier-free society. During the year, staff members of the Centralised Braille Production Centre, the General Eye and Low Vision Centre and the Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel visited Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Taiwan respectively
to present papers in the job-related international and regional conferences.
Great progress is always more profound when it is done by a team of like-minded individuals. We treasure the opportunity to work with different rehabilitation organizations and selfhelp groups of people with disabilities in the Joint Alliance on Appeal for Public Transport Half-fare Concession for People with Disability, and organized joint celebration with a number of blind organizations in Hong Kong on the White Cane Day 2008. Besides, there are a number of joint projects planned in order to pool resources of different blind organizations for the benefits and well-being of our common
service targets.
All new ventures and pilot programmes would not have been made possible without the generous support of our many donors and supporters, including individual and corporate volunteers. To express our gratitude to all supporters and volunteers, the Volunteers cum Corporate Supporters Recognition Ceremony was held in March 2009. This bi-annual event was first organized in March 2007.
Apart from donors, supporters, volunteers, I am grateful to all the staff members of the Society who have given me staunch support in the delivery of good and quality services with the shared mission of promoting equal participation of the visually impaired in the community. Their conscentious efforts have won positive feedback and appreciation from our service users.
Last but not least, I must thank our Chairman, Mrs Rachel Cartland, and the outgoing Chairman, Mr Clive Oxley, for their wonderful leadership and foresights that drive HKSB ahead with great achievements and recognition from our service targets. Also, a big “thank you” to all our Council members and Committee members for their support and contribution in various ways, apart from lending us their expert advice and resource networks in the formulation of the service direction of the agency.
As we take our stride into the 53rd year, the Hong Kong Society for the Blind will continue to build a bright future for our visually impaired friends with the support from the community and your continual philanthropic contribution in the years ahead.
Maureen Tam
Event Highlights
Braille eBook & Braille eBook Internet Reservation System
Hong Kong’s first Braille eBook & Braille eBook Internet Reservation System won the Silver Award of Best Digital Inclusion (Service) in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2008.
The system is composed of:
1. Braille eBooks with advantages of:
•handy, no postage required
•no limit on reader number, convenient and environmental-friendly
2. Braille eBook Reader Programme:
•with built-in search, bookmark and annotation features
•readers can write “notes” for further report writing and reference
3. Braille eBook Internet Reservation System:
•provides instant reading fun
•existing eBook titles include: novels, literature, textbooks, reference books, massage guides with weekly updates
Asia Pacific ICT Alliances (APICTA) Award 2008
Congratulations to the "Tele-digital Library for the Visually Impaired" ICT project which has won the award of “Merit” under the theme, “e-Inclusion and e-Community” among nine entries from five economies (cities or countries) in the Asia Pacific Information Communications Technology 2008 (APICTA 2008) in Jakarta, Indonesia in November 2008.
The service provides 24-hour access to the voice-based library catalogue, talking books, periodicals, online news, and information about updated supermarket sales items, and leisure and cultural activities information. Our visually impaired users can access the aforesaid information either through centre hotline or website.
Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Parents Resource Centre
for Visually Impaired Children:
Marathon Charity Concert cum Essay Writing &
Radio Drama Competition Award Presentation Ceremony
21-22.2.2009 Metro Plaza, Kwai Fong
The two-day Marathon Charity Concert was successfully held with over 420 performers. Apart from giving performance, their sponsors were able to raise about HK$100,000 to support future service development of the Parents Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children.
37 prizes were presented to the winners of “Fulfilling the Olympics Spirit, Walk with a Dream of Love & Care” Essay Writing & Radio Drama Competition.
“Can’t See, Can Tee” Blind Golf Campaign 2008
30.9.2008 SkyCity Nine Eagles Golf Course, Chek Lap Kok
After two years' training, Hong Kong’s first team of blind golf players teamed up with local celebrities including Mr. Michael F. Wong, Ambassador of the event, and zealous sponsors in the charity tournament. Apart from promoting public awareness of the abilities of the blind golfers, the campaign aimed to raise fund to support intensive training of the outstanding blind golf players.
Guests of Honor of the event were Mr. Paul K W Tang, JP, Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Mr. Zhang Tie Fu, Department Chief, Social Work Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR.
2009 Volunteers cum Corporate Supporters
Appreciation Ceremony
The “Volunteers cum Corporate Supporters Appreciation Ceremony” is held every 2 years to recognize the contribution of the volunteers. This year, more than 300 volunteers including individuals, groups and organizations were awarded Golden Diamond, Purple Crystal, Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards. Fifty individuals, groups and corporations were awarded “Caring Partner” and “Caring Corporation”.
At the Ceremony, a number of commercial companies, corporations, individual supporters and volunteers were given recognition. Apart from award presentation, the event also provided a chance for all volunteers and supporters to share the joy of helping the visually impaired.
Rehabilitation Division
Rejuvenation through Rehabilitation
Since May 2008, the Health Massage and Treatment Centre, has been put under the administration of the Rehabilitation Division, in order to maximize the coordination of vocational training and employment services for the visually impaired. During the year, the five centres and two service departments under the Division experienced substantial growth and development in service delivery and quality enhancement.
Centralised Braille Production Centre (CBPC)
Manpower and equipment improvement
Thanks to the support of the Education Bureau, there was significant manpower improvement to meet the growing demand for Braille materials production. To accommodate service expansion, CBPC successfully obtained a funding support of $505,150 from the Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries Annual Charity Donation 2008 for replacement of obsolete
Braille display units and computers with update software installation.
Braille eBook and Reservation System
Since the introduction of Copyright Exemption for Persons with a Print Disability on 6 July 2007, a new project, Braille eBook and Reservation System, was developed to provide a flexible and efficient platform to facilitate computer access of the visually impaired students and readers to Braille books. This innovative project won the Silver Award of the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2008 under the category: Best Digital Inclusion (Service).
World Sight Day Seminar
The first ever seminar co-organized with the Education Bureau as a World Sight Day programme was successfully conducted on 9 October 2008, with 70 teachers from ordinary schools attending the Seminar. The participants had the opportunity to learn about the necessary support conducive to the education of students with different levels of visual impairment, and the special needs of these students in ordinary schools in order to facilitate their integration in ordinary schools.
Rehabilitation Centre (RC)
Professional Growth of Staff Team
Always striving for excellence in service quality and delivery, staff team of RC was encouraged to attend seminars and workshops in areas such as Fitness Instruction, Orientation and Mobility (O&M) skills training, health issues of visually impaired clients of different ages, understanding deafblind, as well as computer knowledge. Moreover, professional team meetings on Home Management Skills and O&M Training were held regularly throughout the year to promote mutual support and sharing to enhance their professional knowledge and teaching techniques. Due to staff turnover and retirement, 4 new Rehabilitation Instructors were employed. On-the-job training was rendered by the Senior Instructors during the period.
As O&M is an essential skill for the visually impaired persons to lead an independent life and integrate into the community, the staff team of O&M Training Unit submitted three abstracts to the 13th International Mobility Conference for presentation in Marburg, Germany from 14 to 17 July 2009. The abstracts were accepted and would be presented at the Conference.
Maintaining High Quality Rehabilitative Training Service
The syllabi of Home Management Skills, Communication Skills and O&M Training were reviewed in order to satisfy the learning needs of the trainees. In addition, the teaching schedule of the two centres was also assessed for improvement. Apart from this, the trainees who need psychosocial support in order to cope with their blindness received counselling from social workers and the Centre Supervisor.
During the year, RC has been conducting regular review and update of the Operation Manual in compliance with the requirements of 16 Service Quality Standards.
Massage Training Courses
The 12th Annual Massage Training Course for Beginners, and the 3rd Advance Massage Course designed for Practicing Masseurs were successfully held. Upon completion of the classroom learning, examination and clinical practice, an exchange tour to Panyu, China, was organized for the graduates in December 2008. The graduates enjoyed the tour and treasured the exchange with the VI masseurs in Panyu. This experience has broadened their exposure in the massage profession. On 13 January 2009, the Joint Graduation Ceremony for the two courses was held in the presence of Dr. Ma Chi, Deputy Executive Director (Training Service) of Employees Retraining Board, who presented graduation certificates at the Ceremony as our Chief Officiating Guest. The Ceremony had been touching and memorable.
Lastly, we are pleased to report that the one year foundation course on Acupressure & Massage for the Visually Impaired was being assessed and was able to acquire approval of Level 3, Diploma of the Qualifications Framework by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) during the year under review. Hence, graduates of the 12th Annual Massage Training Course were the first batch of visually impaired masseurs to be awarded the Diploma Certificate jointly issued by the Employees Retraining Board and the Hong Kong Society for the Blind.
Public Education and Outside Liaison
During the year, sighted guide talks were delivered to the new staff members of the agency on the New Staff Orientation Day. We also organized courses for NGOs, commercial corporations and schools on effective communication skills with the visually impaired and sighted guide. Altogether, 56 talks were conducted with 2,221 participants.
Graduates and trainees of RC(NT) were honoured to take part in various segments in the Tuen Mun District Paralympics Welcoming Joint Programmes, namely, the District Torch Relay, Cheering Team Performance, and the Talent Show organized by Asia Television Ltd (ATV). They enjoyed all of the programmes and were proud to be the participants of the Paralympics Welcoming Programmes. In November 2008, RC(NT) organized an Open Day to improve public understanding of rehabilitation services in the community for the District public education campaign. The Centre was chosen to receive district leaders, representatives of District Committees and NGOs for friendly visits during the month.
Community Participation
The Centre has been actively encouraging trainees to participate in the Joint Alliance on Appeal for Public Transport Half-fare Concession for People with Disability since April 2008. On 6 July 2008, 18 trainees and extrainees took part in the 800-strong joint protest in Central.
Up to March 2009, 186 visually impaired persons wait listed for rehabilitation training. During the year, two graduation ceremonies were organized for 74 trainees who had completed their training. As at 31 March 2009, 74 trainees, including those in home based training, were receiving service at the two Centres.
Community Support and Recreational Service (CSRS)
Up to March 2009, there were 376 registered members, of whom 270 were visually impaired members, 26 family members and 80 volunteers. During the year, there were 6 festival and seasonal programmes organized for a total of 146 participants, and 11 outdoor activities with a total of 225 participants. In addition, 25 group activities were organized with a total attendance of 292 head counts.
With support from the Adult Education Subvention Scheme of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, two courses, namely, Everyday English (Foundation) and Family Life Education were held in the year. Positive feedback was received from the participants.
In general, the services of CSRS have earned positive feedback from clients since the service started in 2006.
Health Massage and Treatment Centre (HMTC)
Business of the HMTC
The business of the two Centres, S.K. Yee Health Massage & Treatment Centre and Bernard van Zuiden Health Massage & Treatment Centre, progressed well with encouraging revenue for the year. Promotional sales were conducted between July and August 2008 and February 2009 respectively. Special rates offered to NGOs, educational institutions, and service users were well
received with overwhelming responses.
Registration of Trade Mark
In order to better promote our massage services in the long run, a meaningful logo with a symbol of two healing hands was designed and registered as trade mark at the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region via the Intellectual Property Department (IPD) in July 2008. Moreover, the service pamphlet was revised to introduce our foot, body and beauty massage as well as the mobile massage service. Thanks to the monthly health magazine “Vitality”, which provided free full page advertisement for our service in two issues of their magazine during the year.
Expansion of Beauty Service at Tuen Mun Centre
After careful consideration of the unfavourable economic situation and the capital cost involved for starting the beauty service in the Tuen Mun Centre, the expansion plan was temporarily suspended. However, beauty products were sold and yielded a considerable sum of revenue during the year.
Information Accessibility Centre (IAC)
Easy Access to Information
To enable the visually impaired to have easy access to library services, information and online resources through multiple channels in their preferred mode of access, IAC has enhanced the Tele-digital Voice Library and the Netshare during the year.
Tele-digital Voice Library for the Visually Impaired
The service provides 24-hour access to the voice-based library catalogue, talking books, periodicals, online news, and information about updated supermarket sale items, and information on leisure and cultural activities. The average monthly hit rate was about 20,000.
Moreover, as one of the nominees to present the aforementioned project in the Asia Pacific Information Communications Technology 2008 (APICTA 2008) in Jakarta, Indonesia, we feel honoured to be able to win the Merit under the theme, “e-Inclusion and e-Community” among 9 entries from five economies (cities or countries) in the region.
Netshare for the Visually Impaired
The website was developed to provide the visually impaired with access to an array of information such as online news, supermarket on-sale commodity prices, practical tips on using information and communication technology, and audio magazines. The average monthly hit rate of netshare.hk was about 6,000.
This is a new feature developed from the Teledigital Voice Library. It enables the visually impaired to listen to their emails through the phone, which is a convenient option, especially for those who do not have easy access to computers. Since its launch in January 2009, around 80 members are on the user list.
Adult Education Courses
With the support of Labour and Welfare Bureau, 5 Adult Education courses and other 7 ICT courses were conducted to equip the visually impaired with the necessary knowledge and skills to access information on computer. There were a total of 53 members enrolled in the Adult Education courses and 48 members enrolled in other ICT courses.
Helpdesk for the Visually Impaired
The Helpdesk continued to offer technical support hotline service to help visually impaired users to solve problems arising from the use of ICT and other adaptive tools. A total of 750 enquiries were recorded for the year.
Provision of Adaptive Aids, Software and Hardware for the Visually Impaired
In order to provide visually impaired users with easy access to library materials and information, the computers in IAC were all installed with JAWS, magnification software or PowerBraille.
With the support from British American Tobacco (Hong Kong) Company, the “Forward Leap Programme” was launched to help visually impaired students or adult learners to overcome learning difficulties by providing them with notebook computers installed with free screen reading software and Office Professional 2007.
Cultural Activities
To foster the reading culture and familiarize member s with cultural facilities and information, IAC organized a number of cultural programmes during the year. Namely, visits to the Hong Kong Book Fair 2008, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong Museum, as well as appreciation activities in drama, singing performances and movies.
Career Support and Development Centre (CSDC)
Opening of Empower Shop
The Empower Shop was opened in June 2008, which provided a real work environment for visually impaired job seekers to practise their sales technique and build up self confidence in sales and marketing. During the year, eight visually impaired persons participated in the training scheme.
Cando.hk Employment Portal for the Visually Impaired
To foster and expand an effective network between employers and potential visually impaired employees, the new website, cando.hk, which consists of pages on About Us, I Can, Success Cases, Employer’s Sharing, Tips for Employers, Job Seeker’s Guide, Job Vacancy and Contact Us, was being constructed. It is currently undergoing the final stage of testing and will be launched shortly.
Tricycle Employment Model
With the generous support of the Happy Valley Rotary Club for the “Tricycle Employment Model”, 5 visually impaired job seekers were successfully employed in the field of beauty, securities and tele-sales after completion of the internship scheme.
Job Club
In order to increase the employment opportunities of the visually impaired, different kinds of training and guidance programmes, including 2 Job Clubs, were organized during the year for visually impaired job seekers.
Volunteers Development Service (VDS)
Preparation meetings at the agency level were conducted regularly to foster the bonding of volunteers through staff training courses. The meetings also resulted in better management of volunteers and coordinat ion in the organization of Appreciation Ceremonies.
To express our gratitude to the unfailing support and valuable contribution of the volunteers, the Volunteers cum Corporate Supporters Appreciation Ceremony was organized on 27 March, 2009. This year, we added two awards - “Caring Corporations” and “Caring Partners” to commendate corporations, service clubs, agencies and supporters for supporting their employees or members to participate in volunteer activities, offering job opportunities to visually impaired persons, sharing business expertise with us or providing donations to our various projects. A total of 302 individuals and agency volunteers were awarded with appreciation plaques, while 51 units of corporations and working partners were presented with souvenirs at the Ceremony.
Statistical Supplement 08/09
Rehabilitation Centre
Graduated from All Subjects | 70 |
Graduated from Route Orientation | 38 |
Sex Distribution
Male | 102 |
Female | 81 |
Age Profile
20-29 | 22 |
30-39 | 8 |
40-49 | 37 |
50-59 | 59 |
60-69 | 24 |
70 or Above | 33 |
Analysis on Factors Leading to Blindness
Diabetic Retinopathy | 17 |
Retinitis Pigmentosa | 37 |
Retinal Degeneration / Retinal Detachment |
14 |
Glaucoma | 38 |
Cataract | 9 |
Macular Disease (Macular Degeneration) |
23 |
Retina Disease (Retinal Detachment / Retinal Degeneration) |
7 |
Optic Atrophy | 6 |
Cerebral Hemorrhage | 6 |
Brain Tumor | 4 |
Accident | 5 |
Born Blind / Congenitally | 8 |
Others | 9 |
Enrollments and Referrals
Case Referrals Received | 108 |
Enrollments | 149 |
Trainees number in Various Subjects
Orientation & Mobility Skills
Orientation & Mobility Training | 76 |
Route Orientation | 67 |
Physical Exercise | 120 |
Home Management Skills
Cookery | 71 |
Techniques of Daily Living | 77 |
Communication Skills
Reading/Writing in Braille | 42 |
Putonghua | 32 |
Handwriting | 63 |
Computer Training | 41 |
Educational Activities
Music Class | 26 |
Community Life Education | 85 |
Social & Educational Programmes | 66 |
Monthly Outings (average attendance) | 126 |
Counselling and Group Sessions
Individual Counselling | 263 |
Self-help Group Meeting | 24 |
Group Meeting | 381 |
Centralised Braille Production Centre
Transcription Completed
English | 135 (titles) |
Chinese | 273 (titles) |
English | 280 (volumes) |
Chinese | 479 (volumes) |
Thermoformed Embossed/Bound
Books | 3,504(volumes) |
Books/Articles/Documents | 704,965(sheets) |
Health Massage and Treatment Centres
S K Yee & Bernard van Zuiden HMTC
Health Massage and Treatment Centres
Total No. of Customers | 10,959 |
Total No. of Service Hours | 30,429 |
Mobile Massage Team
Total No. of Customers | 2,801 |
Total No. of Service Hours | 3,253 |
Community Support and Recreational Services
Visually Impaired Members | 270 |
Family Members | 26 |
Volunteer Members | 80 |
Sex Distribution of Trainees
Male | 169 |
Female | 207 |
Age Profile of Members
20-29 | 41 |
30-39 | 35 |
40-49 | 88 |
50-59 | 114 |
60-69 | 70 |
70 or Above | 28 |
Number of Attendance
Festival Programmes (6) | 146 |
Outings (11) | 225 |
RC Group Programmes (25) | 292 |
InformationAccessibility Centre
Library Members | 2,615 |
Tele-digital Library for the Visually Impaired
Hit Rates | 255,400 (hits) |
Netshare for the Visually Impaired
Hit Rates | 255,400 (hits) |
Braille Books | 9,076 (titles) |
Talking Books | 4,963 (titles) |
Music Compact Discs | 4,633 (discs) |
CD-ROMs/VCDs | 5,820 (discs) |
Talking Books | 96,000 (cassettes) |
Braille Books | 12,622 (volumes) |
Talking Periodicals | 21,740 (cassettes) |
Braille Periodicals | 6,720 (volumes) |
Music Compact Discs | 4,870 (discs) |
CD-ROMs/VCD | 4,210 (discs) |
Career Support and Development Centre
Employment Service Unit
Number of job seekers | 196 |
Number of job seekers gainfully employed | 23 |
Number of new job seekers enrolled | 46 |
Number of consultancy/ counselling service rendered |
712 |
Number of job vacancy referrals | 262 |
Number of job interviews under escort | 167 |
Supported Employment Service
Accumulated number of registrants | 10 |
Number of placements | 5 |
Aids and Appliances Service
Number of opening sessions | 566 |
Number of user attendances | 4,845 |
Number of sales | 2,786 |
Adaptive Equipment Loan Service
Number of aids/appliances on loan | 20 |
“Job Club” Pre-work Training Programmes
Number of participants | 27 |
Number of groups | 6 |
Number of group meetings (in session) | 54 |
Number of training-related activities | 3 |
Computer Zone and Self-study Rooms
Number of facility users | 3,329 |
Residential Services Division
Care and Respect for the Needy
“Building up Staff Service Commitment and Professionalism” and “Improving Clients’ Quality of Life” are our main focuses in 2008/09. Major achievements are highlighted in the following report.
Building up Professionalism in Residential Care
The Dementia Care Team
126 residents were diagnosed with dementia comprising 28% of the total capacity of our four aged blind homes in 2008/09. The Dementia Care Team continued to organize focused therapeutic activities for our clients on reminiscence therapy, remedial activity, sensory stimulation and music therapy. Innovative activities such as brain gym, aromatherapy and 24-hour orientation activity were added during the year. The Dementia Care Team started Palliative Care for bed-ridden residents who were in late stage of dementia to enhance their quality of life. Aromatherapy, music therapy and sensory stimulation were used as means of intervention for palliative care.
With support from the Special-One-Off Grant (SOG), 2 workshops entitled “Effective Intervention for Demented Blind Elderly” and “Palliative Care for Advanced Demented Blind Elderly” were held on 28 August & 24 September 2008 respectively. Participants found the two workshops useful in strengthening both their knowledge on daily care for the demented clients and the knowhow of applying different therapies to enhance their quality of life.
The Occupational Therapist of the Dementia Care Team attended the 2008 International Occupational Therapy Conference in Guangzhou from 13-17 November 2008 and presented two papers on “Introductory of Activity-based Programme for Elderly with Dementia and Visual Impairment” and “Multi-Sensory Activities for Clients with Dementia and Visual Impairment”.
To echo the World Sight Day, two Occupational Therapists of the Dementia Care Team presented a paper on “Sensory Stimulating Treatment for Demented Elderly” at the “World Sight Day 2008” Seminar held on 9 October 2008. Sixty-six participants attended the seminar with positive feedback.
Physiotherapy Service
Under the guidance of Professor Alice Jones of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the research study on ”Effects of a Structured Exercise Programme on Functional Balance in Visually Impaired Elderly living in a Residential Setting” was completed in 2006 and the report was published in the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal in February 2009.
Tripping and falling accidents have an enormous negative impact on the visually impaired elderly. To better understand the causes of such accidents and the ways to prevent them, the physiotherapy team conducted a survey on the residents in 2008. The team reviewed all tripping/stumbling accidents occur red between 2006 and 2007. The data collected were analyzed and guidelines on prevention of tripping were formulated for aged blind homes to minimize
such accidents.
In order to increase the staff’s knowledge and to raise their awareness of work safety, the physiotherapists regularly assessed the workhabit of frontline staff. A series of workshops were conducted for staff of different ranks to refresh their skills and knowledge on manual handling, transfer, occupational safety and health knowledge, and etc. For example, an “Occupational Safety and Health Week” programme was organized at Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind in November 2008 to increase staff members’ awareness of safety in the workplace.
Training to enhance the Staff Professional Growth and Service Commitment
A series of staff development programmes were conducted with suppor t f rom the Special One-off Grant of the Social Welfare Department, namely, Advanced Health Worker Training Course organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross from 28 March to 9 May 2008, two elementary First Aid Courses and one First Aid Certificate Course provided by the St. John Ambulance from October to December 2008, and The End of Life Care Workshops conducted by The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care for frontline staff and professional staff from January to March 2009.
End of Life Care Project
Promotion of palliative care, end of life care and spiritual care were carried out among our residents to facilitate a positive outlook towards life in preparation for the challenges of ageing and health deterioration. Participants were able to build up “dignified living” and “sense of belonging” to the Home. A counsellor was employed to provide intensive counselling service for the residents of aged blind homes with terminal illnesses or depressive symptoms.
Survey on Quality of Life of the Aged Blind
A joint study had been launched with the Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University under the leadership of Professor Alfred Chan Cheung Ming, on “Quality of Life of the Aged Blind in the Residential Homes and Community”. The survey was conducted from November 2008 to February 2009. A total of 334 completed questionnaires were collected from residents staying in aged blind homes whereas 246 questionnaires were collected from those living in the community. A survey report will be published with the ultimate goal of developing a measurement tool to gauge the quality of life of the aged blind in Hong Kong with a user manual.
Based on findings of the survey, measures to enhance the quality of life of the aged blind in the areas of physical and psychological health, interpersonal relations, living conditions and finances would be drawn up. A handbook written by different professional workers will be published to offer guidelines and information on service improvements for the aged blind.
Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind
Happy Living
In support of SWD’s promotion of “Happy Living”, TMHAB has chosen to build on the theme of “Ageing Positively” with the slogan “Action for a Happy Life”. We chose “Appreciation”, one of the seven themes of “Happy Living” to focus on for the year’s group programmes organized for the residents. A centralized broadcast on “Happy Life Radio Station” was launched to reinforce our residents’ positive attitude towards life.
End of Life Care
The social work team joined Project ENABLE, which is supported by the University of Hong Kong’s Centre on Behavioral Health, as an enabler to apply holistic approach for the promotion and betterment of mental, emotional and behavioral welfare for the community during the year. In order to make our residents understand and accept the reality of old age, sickness and dying, a series of “Life and Death Education” programmes were conducted. In joint collaboration with Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind, a talk on “Life and Death Education” and a visit to a funeral parlor were organized, with a total attendance of 100 participants including residents, relatives and volunteers. With the support and assistance of the volunteers of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Jockey Club Kin Sang Youth S.P.O.T., the production of a CD named “Life Review” was made possible for our residents.
Multi-sensory Room Established
A Multi-sensory room named “康頤閣” was set up for the demented residents in September 2008. The room was specially designed and decorated in cozy Chinese style to facilitate reminiscent therapy. Different sensory equipment and materials are used as treatment tools for programmes held in a peaceful and relaxing environment for residents in need.
Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind
Holistic Care
With on-going review and assessment of the residents’ needs, a multi-disciplinary approach was used i n planning and providing services to the residents. Holistic care in physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects were included in individual training. Individual Care Plan meetings were conducted regularly to review the treatment plans of individual residents. Relatives were invited to join the meeting to share and communicate with the Home staff to tailor make individual care and treatment plan for our residents. Different therapeutic groups and treatments, such as music therapy, reminiscent group, physiotherapy treatment, were rendered by our physiotherapist, occupational therapist and social worker.
Happy Life Programmes
In addition, a series o f “Happy Life Programmes” and “Life and Death Education” were launched for improving the residents’ quality of life for three years. An opening ceremony was held on 28 March, 2008 to encourage residents’ participation. Throughout the year, the residents actively participated in group meetings, exercises, indoor and outdoor activities. An appreciation award programme was organized on 9 February, 2009. 37 of our residents were awarded different prizes such as the “Healthy and Energetic” award, “Friendly Smile” award, “Helping Hand” award, “Active Participation” award etc.
Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind
Promotion of Residents' Participation
To enhance the bonding of residents and to arouse residents’ sense of belonging towards the Home, a Room Cleanliness Competition was held in January 2009. A customer satisfaction survey was also conducted in February 2009 to collect views of relatives of the residents on the service of the Home. The Home Service Consultation Committee formed by representatives of different dormitories, continued to hold meetings on a regular basis to voice out their opinions on the Home’s service. The Resident Volunteer Group (關愛小組) continued to pay regular visits to the frail residents to further develop the spirit of care and concern among the residents.
Improvement of Facilities
In March 2009, a donation of $144,000 was received from the Van Zuiden Charity Trust for the purchase of 12 electric hospital beds to replace the old manual hospital beds for the frail and chair-bound residents. With support from Lotteries Fund Block Grant and recurrent subvention, new split-type air-conditioning units were installed in 6 dormitories on the 5th floor in January 2009.
Palliative Care
With regard to the palliative care, the project “Golden Rainbow” was started by the social work team to introduce the concept of palliative and spiritual care to our residents. To help the residents maintaining a positive attitude towards end of life, group meetings and talks were organized. Furthermore, a memorial service (追思會) was organized for deceased resident to relieve the grief of the living residents in joint collaboration with a Christian church.
Bradbury Care and Attention Home for the Aged Blind
End of Life Care
During the year, staff and the relatives of residents were able to enrich their knowledge and awareness of the Palliative Care and the End of Life Care through various talks and activities. It is expected that, through these efforts, staff and relatives would have a better understanding of the provision of Palliative Care and End of Life Care for the residents in the following year.
Community Alliances
In alliance with 14 local community organizations, 28 visits were arranged as social activities for the Home residents. Through interaction with visitors, the Home residents were able to get to know more about the community, whereas the visitors in turn would have a better understanding of the needs of visually impaired elderly.
Improvement of Home Facilities
Thanks to the generosity of the Lions Club of Repulse Bay, we were able to replace the old Home van, which had been in service for more than 15 years, with a modern Rehabus to provide comfortable transportation for medical follow up and outings. A donation ceremony was held on 24 May 2008.
With incentive sponsorship from the China Light & Power Co Ltd, the gas-utilizing kitchen equipment of the Home was replaced by electric ones in March 2009. The replacement project helped to achieve energy-saving goals in addition to the creation of a safer and cooler environment in the kitchen.
Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel (MGCH)/ Bradbury Home (BH)/ Joyful Home (JH)
Community Participation
Residents of MGCH, BH and JH participated in Inclusive Arts Activities of the Arts for the Disabled Association to promote the positive image of MR Blind, while enhancing their sense of competence. The “Cheers” Band and ”Happy Clowns” were invited to perform at the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, in elderly centres, community centres and children and youth centres. The “Cheers” was qualified to enter into the final round of the “Celebration of National Day Singing Contest” in September 2008, in which it brought home the Bronze Prize in the Group Singing Competition. Not only did the audience enjoy their performance, the participants’ confidence and self-image were boosted through participation in these community activities.
Participation in the “5th Mentally Handicapped Professional Seminar of Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau” in Taipei
With the kind assistance of Madam Annie Fonda, Superintendent of the Kowloon West Regional Police Headquarters, funds were raised for trainees and residents from MGCH, BH and JH to attend the Seminar together with 16 parents, volunteers and staff members from 11 to 16 July 2008. About 600 participants from Taiwan, Mainland China , Hong Kong and Macau joined the seminar. The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of MGCH presented a paper on “Integrated Training Programme for Promotion of the Independence of the Multi-disabled with Visual Impairment (MDVI) in Hong Kong”, while the para-medical team presented their report on “Integrated Sensory-motor and Fitness Programme for MDVI in Hong Kong”.
Fund-Raising Programmes
The fundraising programme “Searching for Grateful Hearts” launched for the Joyful Home continued in 2008 with the aim to support those clients coming from low-income families to receive the much needed service from the Joyful Home. 7 donors, including our Visiting Medical Doctor, Dr. Affandy Hariman, generously donated his service fee in support of this campaign.
Madam Annie Fonda, Superintendent of the Kowloon West Regional Police Headquarters, helped in the organization of a Charity Concert【悠揚頌關懷 樂韻傳愛心】慈善中樂欣賞會 on 28 September, 2008 to raise funds for the service development of the mentally handicapped blind under the programme『同一天空下 - 視障智障人士發展計劃』.She successfully recruited more than 30 musicians consisting of police officers, firemen, correctional services officers and nurses who joined Madam Annie Fonda as volunteers in this meaningful charity concert. A net sum of$163,795 was raised through this Concert to support future exchange tours and service development of the mentally handicapped blind.
Carer Successor Scheme
A “Carer Successor Scheme” that aimed to solicit support from residents’ siblings for rendering care to their multi-handicapped brothers/sisters had been launched during the past two years. In the Three-Year Plan, the Home staff worked with the families to deal with the challenges of “Ageing” and “Strengthening Family Support Network” in meeting the psychosocial and physical needs of ageing trainees and their parents. It was good to have the support from the siblings to act as the “Carer Successors” in order to relieve the stress of their ageing parents.
The “Carer Successor Scheme” yielded good result with more siblings of the clients willing to participate in the Homes’ activities and to take up more responsibilities. We were glad to have an additional 11 siblings to act as “Carer Successors”. A Lunar New Year Dinner cum Fun Day was held on 11 January, 2009 in their honour to recognize their contributions.
New Facilites and Improvement of Home Conditions
An interactive Multi-Sensory Audio and Tactile Training Room was set up in October 2008 at MGCH for both individual and group training in communication and tactile skills.
Improvement work for the emergency nurse call system was completed in June 2008 at MGCH. Renovation of the dormitories on the 4th floor of MGCH was completed in March 2009 to provide a better living environment for the residents. Electrical rewiring, kitchen and male toilet renovation, ceiling repair and painting, replacement of floor tiles and new furniture procurement at Bradbury Home were done to provide a more comfortable living space for the residents. Plumbing work, ceiling repair and minor renovations were also completed at the Joyful Home.
Deafblind Rehabilitation Programme
Resource Centre for the Deafblind (RCDB)
“You are not Alone” was a community-based deafblind programme with the aim to gather a group of deafblind persons to develop a buddy programme for mutual support. The programme has pooled 25 members who have established a strong bonding.
The “Be with you” Deafblind Angel Scheme and “Life Angel Scheme”, supported by the Labour and Welfare Bureau and Sham Shui Po District Council, were started to train a group of volunteers to serve the deafblind for social inclusion. The deafblind angels accompanied the deafblind to visit an elderly centre and had a memorable Christmas gathering in 2008.
Deafblind Training Programme
Thanks to the support of the Community Chest, specific training programmes for deafblind were designed to improve their communication skills and interaction with the environment. The number of trainees admitted increased from 12 in 2007/08 to 15 in 2008/09. The training programmes were extended to the deafblind living in community to improve their communication skills as well. We also provided professional support to meet the special needs of the deafblind including social work service, orientation and mobility training, and referrals for community resources.
Professional Training Workshops
Father Cyril Axelrod, a deafblind priest, who had helped the Society in developing Chinese tactile signs for local deafblinds in 1993, was invited to visit Hong Kong in May and November 2008, for the purpose of conducting training and sharing sessions with local professionals, carers and the deafblinds.
He was also appointed as the Honourable Consultant of our Deafblind Service to give advice on its future development and to design a curriculum for deafblind interpreters and communicators. The above programmes would be useful i n promoting public awareness of the needs of deafblinds and the use of tactile sign language.
Foundation Training Course on “Communication with Deafblinds”
Two foundation training courses on “Communication with Deafblinds” were held from September to November 2008 and from January to March 2009 respectively. The training included deafblind communication skills, introduction and practice of tactile sign language, orientation and mobility training and daily living for the deafblind etc. They were conducted in joint collaboration with the Ebenezer New Hope School, Caritas Lok Yan School, Hong Kong Society for the Deaf, Rehabilitation Centre and Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel of the HKSB. A total of 57 participants enrolled for the foundation training courses with positive feedback.
Statistical Supplement 08/09
Enrollments as at 31 March 2009
Bradbury Care and Attention Home for the Aged Blind
Care and Attention Section
Male | 20 |
Female | 29 |
Total | 49 |
Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind
Care and Attention Section
Male | 76 |
Total | 76 |
Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind
Care and Attention Section | |
Male | 25 |
Female | 30 |
Infirmary Section | |
Male | 6 |
Female | 13 |
Total | 74 |
Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind
Care and Attention Section | |
Male | 53 |
Female | 135 |
Infirmary Section | |
Male | 10 |
Female | 27 |
Total | 225 |
Morning Glory DAC Cum Hostel
Day Training Centre
Male | 33 |
Female | 29 |
Total | 62 |
Male | 32 |
Female | 30 |
Total | 62 |
Bradbury Home
Male | 4 |
Female | 6 |
Total | 10 |
Joyful Home
Male | 4 |
Female | 3 |
Total | 7 |
Resource Centre for the Deafblind
Individual Members: | |
Honorary Member | 3 |
Life Member | 14 |
Ordinary Member (Deafblind) | 39 |
Ordinary Member (Workers/Carers) | 45 |
Total | 101 |
Organization Members: | |
Life Member | 9 |
Ordinary Associate Member | 4 |
Total | 13 |
Research & Development Division
Innovation creates excellence
The General Eye & Low Vision Centre (GELVC)
Patients Attendance
The General Eye and Low Vision Centre recorded an increase of 22% in the number of surgery in 2008/09, and its general eye and low vision services treated more than 45,000 persons, which accounted for a 6% increase versus the previous year. With the support of the S.K. Yee Medical Foundation, the Centre provided surgical subsidy to 58 patients with financial hardship to restore their eye sight. Thanks to the Chan Dang Social Services Foundation, for its support in the delivery of free clinical service to low vision patients who were CSSA recipients, and dispensed them with 135 pieces of low vision devices for free. Free eye examinations and eye care talks were provided for more than 3,000 students, elderly and handicapped people via the Centre’s Vision Screening Bus project and during the 2008 World Sight Day activity.
Low Vision Training Programmes
With well-established services, the Centre provided low vision training programmes in 2008/09 to meet the needs of many, namely; a 4-day low vision training course for an ophthalmologist and an optometrist of Oman; lecture on the common causes of visual impairment and their functional implications for Year 3 students of the Faculty of Occupational Therapy of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; low vision clinical training for the final year students of the School of Optometry of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; lecture and workshop on low vision for the Shenzhen Provincial Disabled People’s Federation; lectures for school teachers referred by the Education Bureau and staff of the Standard Chartered Bank on the causes and prevention of visual impairment. The mentioned training and educational activities focused on the prevention of blindness and understanding of low vision, which helped to improve the standard of low vision care in Hong Kong, China and other parts of the world.
2008 International Low Vision Conference
The Centre also sent its Optometrists to the 2008 International Low Vision Conference in Montreal, Canada to teach in the preconference workshop as well as to present our findings and results on the latest low vision research project. Feedbacks from participants were encouraging.
The Vision 2020 Low Vision Resource Centre (LVRC)
Sales of Low Vision Aids
The Vision 2020 Low Vision Resource Centre dispensed a total of 45,197 low vision devices and equipment to developing countries in 2008/09, which accounted for 61.6% more than the previous year. The number of countries benefited grew from 78 in 2007/08 to 88 in 2008/09.
Training Programmes for Developing Countries
In addition of playing the role of the supplier of equipment and devices to low vision service units in developing countries, the Centre also organized training to cultivate expertise in low vision service. It provided a four-day training for the staff of the Al-Noor Association for the Blind of Oman on the skills of inventory management, quality checking, and overall operation of a low vision depot. The skill and knowledge acquired by the staff of Al-Noor Association for the Blind would help speed up the set up of low vision service facilities for the visually impaired in Oman and the Middle East.
Support to IAPB Low Vision Programmes
The Centre regularly reviewed the types oflow vision devices and assessment equipment for further enhancement through consultation with members of the Low Vision Programme Committee of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB). This would ensure the materials being supplied by the Centre are up to the contemporary needs of low vision persons in developing countries. The Centre’s Coordinator attended the 8th General Assembly of International Agency for Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in August 2008 and promoted its services to potential low vision service providers, in addition to hosting the Board of Governors’ meeting to report its latest development to representatives of the Centre’s founding organizations. He also attended the meeting of the Low Vision Programme Committee to assist in the planning and organization of low vision training courses for developing countries.
Barrier Free Access Technology Services Centre (BFATSC)
Business Review
Based on the good service promotion groundwork laid down in 2007/08 and early 2008/09, BFATCS recorded a significant increase in job orders for the production of tactile maps. It has also developed new products, in addition to being actively involved in the barrier free access public education activities.
During the year, we designed, supplied and installed barrier free facilities for five public housing estates of the Housing Department, ten public premises of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong Wetland Park. There were 66 confirmed orders for the design and production of tactile maps, which showed an increase of 20 orders comparing to 2007/08.
There was a significant growth in the number of orders for audible systems as well. Among the 66 confirmed tactile maps orders, 44 were installed with audible systems.
Research and Development of New Products
On top of the provision of consultancy service and Barrier-Free Access (BFA) products, BFATSC also researched and developed new products with useful applications: trial testing of Corian tactile maps that are tolerant to the sun’s heat, which ultimately can replace the current stainless steel ones; the introduction of an audible system that has separate sound tracks for the vocal descriptions to allow the visually impaired users to switch to different tracks more easily when accessing the required information; the development of an audible system prototype installed in the tactile maps with push button activated audio information.
Public Education Programmes
The Centre provided a half-day training to the staff of Royal Garden Hotel Group to help them understand the needs of persons with visual impairment and how to serve them better. Professional development seminar on Barrier Free Access Facilities for the Visually Impaired was held for members of the H.K. Institute of Architects and the H.K. Institute of Surveyors to provide them with the latest information about the development and products of BFA facilities. A lecture that demonstrates the importance of BFA facilities was delivered to the staff of Marketing Consultancy Office of SWD during the year under review.
Jockey Club Community Project Grant:
The Parents Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children (PRC)
Membership Growth
The Parents Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children (PRC) was established in August 1998. It remains to be the only resource centre of its kind in Hong Kong that provides on-going support to families with visually impaired children. The year 2008/09 had been fruitful for PRC in terms of its services rendered. There was an increase in the number of new members and drop-in members’ attendances: 13 families consisted of 44 individuals enrolled as new members; the number of drop-in members increased from 1,846 in 2007/08 to 2,365 in 2008/09. These achievements were made possible by the organization of 97 trainings, family and supportive service programmes, with 2,498 attendances.
Three-year Support from Hong Kong Jockey Club
PRC made a successful funding application to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and received a 3-year Community Project Grant to cover its programme expenses from 2008/09 to 2010/11. This also translates into additional resource to recruit a new programme officer.
With the support of Trust, the new “Broadcasting Training and Internet Radio” project was made possible in August 2008 with broadcasting training workshops organized for members of PRC. It has set up an Internet radio programme with music programmes, radio drama, guest interviews and centre news.
10th Anniversary Celebration
The Centre celebrated its 10th anniversary with a series of activities held in 2008/09. The Mini-Olympics that took place in October was the first of the three major events, followed by the Essay Writing & Radio Drama Competition from November to December, and the Marathon Charity Concert in February 2009. These three events created opportunities for the full social participation and integration of the visually impaired with their sighted counterpart, with the goal to building a more harmonious and caring community. The events were supported by 108 volunteers and engaged over 3,400 participants from the primary and secondary schools, music centres and members of the general public.
Statistical Supplement 08/09
General Eye and Low VisionCentre
Total No. of Attendance
General Eye 43,159
Low Vision 2,437
General Eye | 43,159 |
Low Vision | 2,437 |
Vision 2020 Low Vision Resource Centre
No. of low vision devices dispensed todeveloping countries | 45,197pcs |
Parents Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children
Members | 797 |
Affiliated Members | 63 |
Member Attendance
Drop-in members | 2,365 |
Visitors | 357 |
Enquiries/Referrals | 75 |
Toy & Resource Loans | 582 |
Toy & Resource Library Collections
Educational Toys | 442 |
Reference Books | 798 |
Educational Compact Discs | 155 |
Learning Tapes | 442 |
Video Tapes | 121 |
Video Compact Discs | 561 |
CD-ROMs | 87 |
Finance & Administration Division
Team Work makes perfect
General Financial Situation
The Society recorded a satisfactory surplus for the year as a result of Flag Day fund raising held in November 2008, increase of central administration subvention baseline allocation and deferral of “Coming Down to Benchmark” for one year to 2009/10 and proper control of expenditure by the service units. The $1.7 million unspent Special One-off Grant brought forward from 2007/08 was fully utilized on staff training and development, salary increment for above mid-point snapshot staff and staff recognition scheme before its expiry. During the year, Social Welfare Department offered a One-off Subsidy of $2.278 million to reinforce agency's service improvement and staff development for three years until 2010/11.
Flag Day 2008
A Flag Day was successfully held on 1 November 2008 to raise funds for DeafBlind Resource Centre, Massage Training Course for the Visually Impaired, Public Education Project, Community Support and Recreational Service and equipment replacement for the Factory for the Blind. We succeeded in raising $2.1m on the Flag Day after deducting expenses.
Administration Department
Building Repairs
During the year under review, the application for the replacement of two passengers’ lifts, one freight lift and renovation of the plumbing and sewage system at the West Wing of Headquarters Building was submitted to the Lotteries Fund Grant Committee. A grant of $1.9 million was approved in May 2008. The tendering process was completed in December 2008, and the related parties are preparing the relevant work contracts. In order to repair water leakage of the West Wing, refurbishment was taken in January 2009. This involved the application of waterproof paint to the interior, ceilings and walls of the No.1, No.2 and No.3 Staircases, basement, car parking area and Assembly Hall at West Wing.
Central Purchasing
Representatives f rom al l Department s attended the Central Purchasing Board Meeting to review the central purchasing mechanism regularly. At the meeting, an Agency Contractors List was compiled for the departments’ easy reference with regard to price and quotation comparisons. Utilizing the Tech donation programme for NGOs, operated by Hong Kong Council of Social Service Information Technology Resource Centre, we were able to order products of Microsoft, Flickr and Cisco System at a discounted rate.
Visitors Reception
In 2008/09, the Administration Department received 1677 visitors from local schools, organizations and volunteer groups. Overseas visitors included People’s Government of Guangzhou, Chongqing School for the Blind, Tianjin, Jiangsu and Guangzhou Disabled Person’s Federations. Through these overseas interactions, we anticipate improvements in public understanding of the service needs and abilities of the visually impaired.
Factory for the Blind
The Factory sales of 2008/09 yielded $14,368,952 ($14.37M), representing an increase of $323,751 (2.31%) over the same period in 2007/08. For individual production sections, sales for Sewing Section, Assembling Section and Filing Tag Section increased by 7.65%, 9.94% and 39.01% respectively, whereas the sales of the Paper Box Section and Trading Section declined by 0.24% and 11.24% respectively when compared with the same period in 2007/08.
Improvement Work of the Air Conditioning Water Pipes System
The Factory successfully acquired a grant of $116,800 from the Community Chest of Hong Kong 2008/09 Capital Project Fund for the improvement works of the air-conditioning water draining system. The project concluded on 10 June 2008, solving the water dripping problem of the Factory's air-conditioners.
5-Year Periodic Inspection and Testing of Fixed Electrical Installation
The WR2 (5-year Certificate issued by EMSD) was granted after inspection done in August 2008 for the fixed electrical installation of the Factory.
Automatic Sprinkler System for Ground Floor Canopy
Meanwhile, In order to improve the Factory’s fire prevention system, the sum of $198,840 generated from the November 2008 Flag Day fund raising activity was allocated for the extension of the automatic sprinkler system for the ground floor canopy. The project was completed on 16 December 2008.
Adaptive Equipment Service
The objective of the adaptive equipment service is to provide information, procurement services, as well as training on application of adaptive technology and equipment for the visually impaired in study and work so that they can develop their potentials and contribute to the society.
The number of items handled for 2008/09 is 453, which represents an increase of 10% compared to 411 in 2007/08.
Statistical Supplement 08/09
Factory for the Blind
Sales Proceeds HK$
Sewing | 1,644,826.70 |
Paper Boxes | 9,787,019.70 |
Filing Tags | 1,147,753.75 |
Trading | 1,165,127.44 |
Assembling (Sheltered Workshop) | 624,224.93 |
Total | 14,368,952.52 |
Strength and Profile of Factory Workers/
Sheltered Workshop Trainees
Factory Workers
Visually Impaired | 18 |
Hearing Impaired | 3 |
Mentally Handicapped | 60 |
Ex-Mentally ill | 5 |
Sub-total | 86 |
Sheltered Workshop Trainees
Visually Impaired | 13 |
Hearing Impaired | 39 |
Mentally Handicapped | 77 |
Ex-Mentally ill | 1 |
Sub-total | 130 |