
Patrons and Council Members
The Honourable Donald Tsang, GBM
Chief Executive
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Mrs Marjorie Bray
Dr Bessie Chiang
Mrs Helen Kwok
Professor Dennis S.C. Lam
Mr Clive Oxley, OBE ED
Professor C.K. Poon, GBS, JP
Council Members 2010/2011
Miss Nancy Law Tak Yin
Mr Michael Szeto Chak Wah
Hon Treasurer
Mr Patrick Ng Wing Hang
Hon Legal Adviser
Mr Peter Chan Kin Sang
Hon Medical Adviser
Dr Hui Siu Ping
Mr Chong Chan Yau
Dr Ho Chi Kin
Ms Susan Ho Suet Fun
Ms Winnie Kong Lai Wan
Dr Vincent Kwan Pun Fong
Ms Ida Lam Choi Chu
Mrs Fanny Lam Kit Fong
Mr Lam Wai Pong
Co-opted Members
Mr Lawrence Lai Man Leung
Mr Lam Chung Yun
Ex-officio Member
Ms Maureen Tam Ching Yi
Finance & Administration Committee
Mr Patrick Ng Wing Hang
Dr Vincent Kwan Pun Fong
Mr Lam Chung Yun
Mr Roger Ling
Ex-officio Members
Miss Nancy Law Tak Yin
Ms Maureen Tam
Rehabilitation Committee
Ms Ida Lam Choi Chu
Mr Jason Ho Ka Leung
Ms Virginia Pak Lai Sheung
Mr Tsang Kin Ping
Ms Kitty Chung Shuk Ming
Ex-officio Members
Miss Nancy Law Tak Yin
Ms Maureen Tam
Research & Development Committee
Dr Hui Siu Ping
Dr Martha Hui Leng Han
Mr Joseph Kwan
Mr Yan Wa Tat
Mr Joseph Cho Chun Wah
Ex-officio Members
Miss Nancy Law Tak Yin
Ms Maureen Tam
Residential Services Committee
Mr Lam Wai Pong
Ms Shirley Cheung Yuet Mei
Dr Ho Chi Kin
Ms Susan Ho Suet Fun
Ms Amy Tso
Ms Doreen Mui Siu Ping
Ex-officio Members
Miss Nancy Law Tak Yin
Ms Maureen Tam
Factory Management Committee
Mr Michael Szeto Chak Wah
Mr Colin Bosher
Ms Winnie Kong Lai Wan
Mr Lawrence Lai Man Leung
Mr Roger Ling
Ms Phoenix Cheung Mei Fung
Ex-officio Members
Miss Nancy Law Tak Yin
Ms Maureen Tam
Chairman’s Foreword
2010-11 was a challenging year.
For the purpose of enhancing corporate governance of the Society, the Council resolved to establish an Audit Committee to review whether the delivery of services and deployment of financial resources were in accordance with the policies, guidelines and procedures laid down for the relevant departments and service units and advise areas for improvement. An internal auditing unit would also be set up to carry out the necessary operations to ensure that the established policies, guidelines and procedures of our Society and the Service Quality Standards set out under Service Performance Monitoring of the Social Welfare Department were adhered to and make recommendations on remedial and improvement measures. An appeal mechanism was also established at Council level for handling special complaints and appeals.
The Barrier Free Access Technology Services Centre, a self-financing service, would be incorporated as a new company limited by shares in the name of "Barrier Free Access (HK) Limited" with a view to improving its business operation and management. The new company will be a subsidiary company of our Society.
For the purpose of enriching the social life of our visually impaired clients and facilitating their opportunity to enjoy movies as their sighted counterparts in the community, our Society has embarked on a movie audio description programme for the visually impaired since 2009. We would like to thank the Government for providing funding support under the programme of "Create Hong Kong" of Commerce & Economic Development Bureau for a year so that we can develop audio description services for Chinese-speaking Hong Kong films and conduct a training programme for audio description narrators.
In order to help visually impaired piano teachers to become more independent in life and be more confident to serve the community, the "Starting a New World from Playing Piano" Programme was launched in February 2011. This is a career support service for visually impaired piano teachers to teach students at our Career Support & Development Centre. With funding support from the Chan Dang Social Services Foundation, a piano room with appropriate teaching aids has been set up at the Centre. It allows visually impaired piano teachers to give lessons to both sighted and visually impaired students.
The 13th Massage Training Course began on 1 March 2010. Seven visually impaired persons successfully graduated in October 2010. These graduates are now working as masseurs with a steady income and have led fuller and more independent lives.
During the period from 1 November 2010 to 31 January 2011, a "Certificate Course for Communicator/Guide for the Deafblind Level 1 - Basic" was organized for members of the public to learn to communicate with and assist the deafblind in their daily lives. Among the 41 participants, 39 completed the course while 30 persons passed the assessment and were awarded attendance certificates. The programme has helped the community to gain a better understanding of the abilities and needs of the deafblind and at the same time promoted integration of the deafblind into the society.
As the Statutory Minimum Wage would be implemented in May 2011, there would be tremendous financial pressure on the operation of the Factory for the Blind. In order to keep the Factory in operation so as to continue to provide current disabled workers with jobs, the Factory has devised measures and strategies to cut down expenses as well as increase sales income. We are continuing the discussion with Government for assistance to keep the Factory in viable operation.
The progress of the Yuen Long Home Redevelopment Programme has on the whole been satisfactory. The conversion of the ground and 4th floors of the Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind to accommodate temporarily residents of the Yuen Long Home during its redevelopment will be completed in July 2011. After the relocation, the old Yuen Long Home would be demolished for redevelopment. We expect the new Yuen Long Home to be completed in early 2013. The new Home will provide a much more comfortable living environment for the aged blind residents and there will be space to provide additional accommodation for a number of multi-handicapped blind clients. We thank the Hong Kong Jockey Club for their donation of over $166 million to make all these possible.
In the year to come, eye care and the needs of the visually impaired in employment, vocational training as well as social life will continue to be our major areas of work. We will place priority attention to the challenges arising from the introduction of Statutory Minimum Wage. The redevelopment of the Yuen Long Home will be closely monitored to ensure satisfactory completion of the project.
The 2011 Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony unveiled the celebration of the 55th Anniversary of HKSB and gave recognition to the long term service commitment of a number of dedicated individual volunteers who donated their time and efforts to support our services for the visually impaired. I would like to thank all Council members, Committee members and a great number of individuals and corporate volunteers for their unfailing support. A particular word of thanks should go to the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Hong Kong Jockey Club, the Community Chest and all donors who continue to provide financial assistance to our Society without which our work could not have been carried out. Last but not least, the Chief Executive and the staff members should be applauded for their hard work throughout the year.
Nancy Law
Chief Executive’s Report
Innovations and commitment are the two major elements we wish to cultivate among our staff, for continuous service development and better service delivery to meet with clients' changing needs.
Staff Training and Development
To achieve this end, a series of staff training and development programmes have been conducted in the past year to upgrade their skills in management, complaint handling, presentation skills, communication skills, customer service relations and different subject areas for improvement in service delivery and enhancement of service quality. A total of 1,673 participants enrolled with 6,026 training hours completed, excluding training hours sponsored by the agency for attendance of external courses to upgrade professional skills and their competencies for career development.
Meanwhile, overseas exchange programme to Taiwan had been organized for staff members working for the deafblind in April 2010, to widen their exposure about education and rehabilitation services for the deafblind and to establish network with fellow organizations in the region. Besides, professional staff members including experienced orientation and mobility instructors, staff members specialized in barrier free access technology, occupational therapists , social workers and optometrists had been sponsored to take part in world and regional conferences. They were: the 6th Chinese Community Regional Conference on Services for People with Intellectual Disability in May 2010, the 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2010) from 2-4 June 2010, and the 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development from 10-16 June 2010 that held locally, the International Guide Dog Federation Conference held in July 2010 in Ottawa of Canada, and the 10th International Conference on Low Vision held in Kuala Lumpur in February 2011. Apart from attending various plenary and workshop sessions, they also presented papers to share with professionals from different parts of the world their knowledge and experience in different services that meeting the diversified needs of the visually impaired. Report-back sessions had been arranged for sharing with fellow colleagues when the delegates returned.
In terms of occupational safety and health of our staff members, apart from enforcing the rule to require new recruits to conduct the assessment once reporting duty, we had conducted an agency wide Display Screen Equipment assessment for all computer users in 2010/11.To increase staff members' awareness of their own physical health conditions, in March 2011 two Health Check Days had been organized for 242 staff members who joined the free health checks on a voluntary basis.
Several staff activities had been organized in year 2010/11 including a Staff Bowling Competition, Barbecue and Christmas Party for relationship building and social gathering. Staff Consultation Days had been organized on a half-year basis to provide direct channel for a two way communication between senior management and frontline staff on service delivery, general administration and staff welfare. Promotion of Work-life-balance is also one of our themes for human resources management. Interest classes on photography, origami, festive cakes and dessert making had been organized for staff members after working hours. To echo the Work-Life-Balance Day on 23 October 2010, a Healthy Food Pack that consisted of an apple, a pack of healthy biscuits and information leaflets on healthy diet had been distributed to every staff member, in order to raise their awareness on work-life-balance.
Enhancement of life Experience of Service Users
During the year, a number of new initiatives had been launched to enhance the life experience of our clients. Thirteen multiply handicapped visually impaired trainees and two of their family members in the company of nine staff members and two volunteers, went on an expedition to visit the Shanghai World Expo in October 2010 and visited the Shanghai School for the Blind for a meaningful interaction with teachers and students of the school. Another group of 20 including 12 trainees and eight family members in the company of five staff members and one volunteer, took the newly operated high speed train from Guangzhou to Wuhan for a new experience. The two trips were fully sponsored from the fund raised by the Emergency Unit of the West Kowloon Police Force under the leadership of the then Superintendent Madam Annie Fonda in 2009.
We were pleased to join hands with the Lions Clubs International District 303 Hong Kong & Macau, China to organize the first English Writing Competition for the visually impaired children aged 11 to 13 on the theme "Power of Peace" in last November. This was the first time that the visually impaired children had the chance to write on their own about "Peace". To boost up their interest in English writing, we were obliged to a number of volunteers from the Lions who spent time to give tuition to the visually impaired participants in December. The submission was closed in January 2011 with 10 entries of good quality writings. The one with highest scores was sent to the Lions International in March 2011 to compete with entries from different countries in the world for the final champion. Participants came from both the Ebenezer School and mainstream schools. They treasured the special experience of writing on the theme "Peace" from different perspectives.
Entering into the 55th year, the Hong Kong Society for the Blind will keep up with its commitment to the welfare of the visually impaired in Hong Kong. It is a tribute to all dedicated staff members, amid the limitation of financial resources, our services performed increasingly well. These cannot be achieved without the collaborative efforts of all team-leaders, professionals of different disciplines and the frontline workers. Given the strong commitment of our staff members, ardent support from sponsors, supporters and volunteers, we are confident that we would indeed go from strength to strength and carry out our mission even more successfully beyond the 55th Anniversary.
Maureen Tam
Highlights of Events
"Communication without Barrier - Deafblind Training" & "Tactile Sign Language Chinese Vocabulary 2" New Book Launching Ceremony cum Training Workshop
Around 110 professional workers, teachers from special schools, volunteers and deafblind members participated. Father Cyril Axelrod conducted the "Professional Training Workshop on Deafblind Services – from UK to Hong Kong" and shared with workshop participants the communication skills with deafblind persons. A total of 250 vocabularies and 50 sentences in tactile signs are included in the《Tactile Sign Language Chinese Vocabulary 2》DVD, to facilitate communication between deafblind persons and the sighted.
Press Conference on <After Shock> DVD with Audio Description
The first Chinese DVD with Cantonese "Audio Description" sound track was released in Hong Kong in September 2010, that marked the milestone of "Audio Description" for movies in Hong Kong. Dr. Chung King Fai, a respectable drama master, gave an enlightening speech on promoting audio description for movies at the Press Conference; Ms. Pang Ching, the pioneer volunteer movie audio description narrator, shared her experience of doing the audio description sound track for the <After Shock> DVD. We shall continue to work with movie producers to make audio description available on all movie DVDs as far as possible, such that the visually impaired audience is able to enjoy "watching" movies the same as their sighted counterparts.
Press Conference on "Starting a New World from Playing Piano" — Career Support Service to the Visually Impaired Persons
Thanks to the generous support from the Chan Dang Social Services Foundation, the "Starting a New World from Playing Piano" - career support service to the visually impaired persons was launched in October 2010. A piano room was set up at the East Wing of HKSB Headquarters, providing appropriate teaching aids to support visually impaired piano teachers to undertake piano teaching for both sighted and visually impaired students.
2011 Volunteers cum Corporate Supporters Appreciation Ceremony
This year, more than 300 volunteers including individuals, service groups and organizations were awarded Golden Diamond, Purple Crystal, Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards; while 36 individuals, groups and corporations were awarded "Caring Partner" or "Caring Corporation". 76 volunteers were awarded the 10-year to 30-year Long Service Awards. One of the most loyal volunteers has spent a total of 36 years in giving voluntary service to the visually impaired persons. Ms Candy Chea, Founding President of Hong Kong Volunteer Awardees Society, shared her volunteer experience and Ms Wong Ming Yan, 2008 Ten Outstanding Young Persons, gave performance at the Ceremony. Ms Annie Liu, Ms Pang Ching and Mr Herman Cheng joined us as the Masters of Ceremony and Mr Denise To, actor of "The Legend is Born - Ip Man" came to show his support to the volunteers.
Rehabilitation Services
Rehabilitation Centre (RC)
The Centre recorded 161 enrolments and a total of 92 referrals. Over the year, 85 visually impaired service users completed the various independent living skills training programmes conducted at the Centre with 76 trainees completed the route orientation programme.
Professional Growth of Staff Team
The staff of the O&M Training Unit gave two poster presentations at the 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2010) held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre from 1-4 June 2010. Six staff members of RC attended the Conference for exchange with overseas experts on barrier free facilities and orientation and mobility training for the visually impaired in Hong Kong. The Unit-in-Charge of O&M Training Unit attended the International Guide Dog Federation Seminar held in Ottawa, Canada from 24-27 June 2010.
Public Education and Outside Liaison
During the year, courses on effective communication skills with the visually impaired and sighted guide talks were conducted by the staff of RC for NGOs, commercial corporations and schools. Altogether 80 talks were conducted with 3,593 participants.
Funded by the Housing Department Butterfly Estate Office Management Advisory Committee, the RC(NT) jointly organised a Mid-Autumn Festival Carnival with the Estate Office on 18 September 2010. One thousand & two hundred game stall tickets were distributed to the participants on the event day.
Survey on Barrier-free Access in Tuen Mun District
The Tuen Mun District Council and RC(NT) jointly conducted the "Tuen Mun Barrier-Free Access Survey" from October 2010 to February 2011. The investigation team comprised of volunteers who are sighted, visually impaired, hearing impaired or physically disabled, secondary students and working youth to assess the accessibility of barrier-free access facilities inside public housing estates, government buildings, shopping malls of the Link Management Limited, cultural and sports facilities and public transport facilities of the Tuen Mun District. This programme aimed to raise Government concern and public awareness about the provision of a barrier-free living environment for persons with disabilities, with a view to enabling them to access, on an equal basis with others, to premises, and public transport thereby facilitating their social integration into the community. The information gathered was published in the Survery Report on Barrier Free Access Facilities in the Tuen Mun District on 27 February 2011. To further promote the concept of barrier-free access for the disabled and social integration, a Press Conference cum Barrier Free Carnival was held at Leung King Estate Shopping Plaza on 27 February 2011.
On that occasion, appreciation certificates were presented to nine Best Inclusive Agencies. The Press Conference cum Carnival was a great success with the active participation of over 1,200 visitors.
The 13th Massage Training Diploma Course
The 13th Massage Training Course to provide foundation training for the beginners was conducted during the period from 1 March 2010 to 14 October 2010. The Course was attended by 7 trainees who all passed the final examination.
An exchange tour was organized for the graduates from 11-13 October 2010 to Guangzhou, China to visit the Tung Sing Hospital, Guangzhou Information Centre for People with Disabilities and Massage Centre for the Blind.
A Graduation Ceremony was jointly held with the 2nd Beauty Massage Training Certificate Course for the Visually Impaired on 25 November 2010.
CanCook Kitchen
CanCook Kitchen has started its catering service since 9 November 2009. A total of 7 trainees received training during the year. The meal service provided by the CanCook Kitchen was welcomed by the visually impaired members. We are pleased to report that the S. K. Yee Medical Foundation has approved a grant of $181,300.00 to support the pre-employment training project from April to September 2011.
Deafblind Training Programme
Thanks to the generous support of the Community Chest of Hong Kong, the Centre has been able to design specific training programmes for the benefit of our deafblind members. In 2010/11 the number of trainees was 13 while the community deafblind trainees were 6. We have also provided professional support such as social work service, orientation and mobility training and referrals for community resources to meet the special needs of our members.
Professional Training
A staff in-service training programme was held between September and October 2010 for eight staff members and four completed the programme with full qualification. From 1 November 2010 to 31 January 2011, the "Certificate Course for Communicator/Guide for the Deafblind Level 1- Basic" was organized. Among the 41 participants, 39 completed the course while 30 persons passed the assessment and were awarded the certificate. In addition, a professional workshop on deafblind service in UK and HK, and the tips on working with the deafblind was held on 12 June 2010 with Father Cyril, the Honourable Consultant of the Deafblind Rehabilitation Programme, as the speaker.
Professional Exchange Activities
An exchange tour to Taiwan (Tai Chung) to visit the deafblind services was held from 7-10 April 2010. Eighteen participants who came from three special schools, the Deafblind Advisory Committee and different service units of HKSB joined the tour and visited four organizations, serving the deafblind, the visually impaired and the hearing impaired. On 19 January 2011, 11 persons from Japan Deafblind Association, Tokyo, Japan visited our Deafblind Rehabilitation Programme.
On 12 June 2010, the launching of the new training manual and the DVD -《Communication without Barrier - Deafblind Training Manual with Chinese Tactile Sign Language (HK) Vocabulary 2 DVD》was held with Father Cyril and Mr. Stephen Sui, Commissioner for Rehabilitation of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, as the officiating guests.
Service Date 10/11
Rehabilitation Centre
Graduated of rehabilitation programme | 85 |
Graduated of Route Orientation | 76 |
Sex Distribution
Male | 36 |
Female | 49 |
Age Distribution
16-29 | 12 |
30-39 | 12 |
40-49 | 14 |
50-59 | 16 |
60-69 | 14 |
70 or above | 17 |
Analysis of Trainees' Causes of Blindness
Diabetic Retinopathy | 3 |
Retinitis Pigmentosa | 11 |
Retinal Detachment / Retinal Degeneration |
12 |
Glaucoma | 17 |
Cataract | 3 |
Macular Disease | 11 |
Retina Disease | 2 |
Optic Atrophy | 4 |
Brain Tumor / Cancer | 6 |
Congenital Defects | 8 |
Unclassified | 8 |
Trainees number in Various Subjects
Orientation & Mobility Skills
Orientation & Mobility Training | 81 |
Route Orientation | 85 |
Physcical Exercise | 80 |
Home Management Skills
Cookery | 69 |
Techniques of Daily Living | 77 |
Communication Skills
Reading / Writing in Braille | 63 |
Putonghua | 45 |
Handwriting | 48 |
Computer Training | 56 |
Social & Educational Activities
Music Class | 29 |
Community Life Education | 85 |
Social & Educational Programmes | 100 |
Monthly Outings (average attendannces) | 47 |
Counselling and Group Sessions
Individual Counselling | 242 |
Self-help Group Meetings | 16 |
Group Meetings | 168 |
Deafblind Rehabilitation Programme
Number of Graduates during the year 2010/11 | 4 |
Number of Trainees as at 31 march 2011 | 14 |
Employment Services
Career Support and Development Centre (CSDC)
Client Information System
With the One-off Subsidy allocated by Government, a Client Information System which is an online platform for social workers to communicate and share updated clients' information, was developed and launched in March 2011. Apart from reports generating, the System keeps the personal data such as education and training records of CSDC members, job interviews, job references and etc.
Collaboration Scheme on Job Trial Placement for Visually Impaired Job Seekers
Twenty job seekers joined the Scheme and were placed in work trials for positions such as service assistant, centre assistant, masseur, customer service assistant and occupational therapy assistant at our service departments and the massage centre. Thirteen job seekers completed the three-month training and three withdrew due to successful placement in jobs.
Empower Shop (ES Shop)
Training was conducted for nine trainees in two batches during the year. The participating trainees felt that the Shop had given them a good opportunity to learn and practise their communication skills and to build up their self-confidence to prepare for open employment.
On 1 April 2011, both the supporters of ES Shop and the trainees were interviewed by Ming Pao, during which the supporters shared their vision of this meaningful project and the trainees shared their valuable work experience gained from the training.
Cando.hk Website
During the year, an average of 42.5 job vacancies were posted on the website monthly for visually impaired job seekers to consider. The monthly browsing frequency was 624 on average.
Starting A New World from Playing Piano
With the generous support of the Chan Dang Social Services Foundation, a new employment project was launched in October 2010. By renovating one of the study rooms, a sound-proof piano room was set up for visually impaired piano teachers to give piano lessons.
To promote this service, a press conference was held on 25 February 2011. Mr. Fong Kai Leung, SWD Sham Shui Po District Social Welfare Officer; Ms Ida Lam, Chairperson, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong; Mrs Julita Kwan, Councilor, Chan Dang Social Services Foundation; Mr Wong Chi Shing, Manager, Nagoya Piano; Ms Nancy Loo, Pianist and Miss Nancy Law, Chairman of HKSB were invited to officiate at the Press Conference. Around 80 participants including primary students from the district enjoyed the piano performances by the VI piano teachers and the meaningful speeches given by guests at the Press Conference.
Up to date, nine students have been enrolled for piano lessons conducted by three VI piano teachers.
Employment Service and Job Club
During the year under review, the number of performance indicators required by SWD and the Community Chest, such as job finding and job interviews under escort were met. However, the figure for continuous employment of members for 6 months could not be fulfilled. Twenty training classes and training-related programmes were organised during the year, including beauty massage, Empower Shop, oral English, sharing sessions for the Job Trial Collaboration Scheme, interview skills training and computer training. Altogether 80 job seekers joined the training with an average attendance rate of 89.8% .
Factory for the Blind
The Factory sales in 2010/11 were $15,397,514 ($15.40M), representing an increase of $204,270 (1.34%) over the same period of 2009/10.
Annual sales of individual production section, including the Sewing Section, Assembling Section, Filing Tags Section and Customer Service Centre increased by 4.12%, 4.07%, 11.50% and 25.47% respectively, whereas the sales of Paper Box Section declined by 3.65% as compared to the same period in 2009/10.
Renovation of Factory’s External Wall
The Factory successfully acquired a grant of $2,058,300 from the Lotteries Fund for major renovation of the Factory's external wall in November 2008. The renovation work was concluded on 15 October 2010.
Social Welfare Development Fund
The Factory successfully acquired a grant of $215,942 from the Social Welfare Development Fund for developing a Material Requirement & Production Planning System in December 2010. The system would help to streamline the existing production flow and enhance work efficiency by elimination of repetitive manual work and physical paper transmission.
Annual Outing 2010
A trip to Ngong Ping in the morning of 15 October 2010 followed by a visit to the Tung Chung Airport Terminal after lunch was arranged as this year's factory annual outing.
Interest Classes for Service Users
Supported by One-off Subsidy, the Factory conducted several interest classes, namely "Fitness Dance workshop", "Creative Clay Making workshop" and "Bracelet Making DIY workshop", for our service users.
Future Development
The Factory staff will put extra effort to solicit more business orders to minimize the financial impact imposed by Statutory Minimum Wage with effect from 1 May 2011.
Health Massage and Treatment Centres (HMTC)
Business of HMTC
The business of the two Centres, S. K. Yee Health Massage & Treatment Centre and Bernard van Zuiden Health Massage & Treatment Centre were keeping well with encouraging revenue for the year. The total sales income from massage revenue, beauty therapies and beauty products was HK$6,350,000, which indicated an increase of 5.7% when compared with the previous year.
Business Promotion and Product Diversification
During the year, HMTC conducted promotional sales including facial and body treatment packages at privileged prices every month. Special gift sets were introduced during seasonal festivals.
Increase Service Coverage
HMTC conducted health massage talks and demonstrations for Clubhouses and the public during the year. Moreover, mobile massage service was extended to two new residential clubhouses in Tung Chung.
Staff Training and Development
The Manager of HMTC, four masseurs and one masseuse attended the 10th World Blind Union Asia Pacific Regional Seminar on Massage in Seoul, Korea in June 2010. The Manager of HMTC presented a paper on the topic of "Management for Massage Business" under the Sub-theme "Government Support for the Massage Enterprises". Moreover, beauticians were sponsored to attend body slimming seminars so as to keep them abreast of the latest beauty products and service skills.
Acquisition of Advanced Equipment
During the year, HMTC purchased Qi-Booster, Magic Hands and Co-Thermal Massagers to upgrade the quality of facial treatments.
For promotion of services, HMTC was able to obtain free advertisments in Breakazine, New Monday, Oriental Sunday and free electronic advertisments in Vitality. HMTC also participated in various exhibitions such as the Caring Company cum NGO Partnership Day and exhibition organised by the Social Welfare Department in CC Wu Building. Services of HMTC were promoted to overseas visitors through the Hong Kong Tourism Guide.
Customer Service Enhancement
A Customer Satisfaction Survey was conducted from January to February 2011. One hundred customers were randomly interviewed and 99% of them indicated that they were satisfied with the Centre's services.
Service Date 10/11
Career Support and Development Centre
Employment Service
Number of job seekers registered | 271 |
Number of job seekers already gainfully employed | 33 |
Number of new job seekers | 57 |
Number of counselling service / consultations | 2,683 |
Number of job vacancy referrals | 435 |
Number of interview under escort | 111 |
Supported Employment Service
Accumulated number of registrants | 13 |
Number of placements | 9 |
Aids and Appliances Service
Number of opening sessions | 592 |
Number of user attendances | 6,259 |
Number of sales | 2,812 |
Adaptive Equipment Load Service
Number of loan-out aids/appliances | 99 |
"Job Club" Pre-work Training Programme
Number of participants | 80 |
Number of training classes | 13 |
Number of training sessions | 81 |
Number of training programmes | 7 |
Computer Zone and Self-study Rooms
Number of facility users | 2,470 |
Factory for the Blind
Sales Proceeds (HK$)
Sewing | 2,107,343 |
Paper Boxes | 9,776,802 |
Filing Tag | 1,183,224 |
Customers Service Centre | 1,699,029 |
Assembling (Sheltered Workshop) | 631,117 |
Total | 15,397,515 |
Strength of Factory Workers / Sheltered Workshop Trainees as at 31 March 2011
Factory Workers
Visually Impaired | 11 |
Hearing Impaired | 3 |
Intellectually Disable | 57 |
Ex-mentally III | 5 |
Sub-total | 76 |
Sheltered Workshop Workers
Visually Impaired | 20 |
Intellectually Disabled | 45 |
Ex-mentally III | 70 |
Physically Handicapped | 1 |
Sub-total | 136 |
Health Massage and Treatment Centre
Centre Attendances
Total No. of Customers | 12,727 |
Total No. of Service Hours | 31,879 |
Mobile Massage Team
Total No. of Customers | 3,459 |
Total No. of Service Hours | 3,283 |
Eye Care and Low Vision Services
General Eye & Low Vision Centre (GELVC)
The General Eye and Low Vision Centre provided over 42,000 consultations and 910 major surgeries in 2010/11, as well as clinical low vision training to final year Optometry students of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Some of the more distinct programmes are highlighted below: A "Teachers Training Course on Supporting Learning Needs of Students with Cortical Visual Impairment" was organized in January 2011 to provide training to 30 headmasters, specialized teachers and therapists, to equip them with knowledge and skills to teach and train students with Cortical Visual Impairment.
A one-day seminar on supportive services and resources for students with visual impairment was held in December 2011 for 80 teachers teaching visually impaired students in integrated school.
In collaboration with the Yau Tsim Mong District Council, the Hong Kong Association of Private Eye Surgeons (HKAPES), and the Hong Kong Glaucoma Patient Association, the Centre organized a "Conquering Glaucoma Campaign" in Yau Tsim Mong District, with the support of 20 trained volunteers who were equipped with the knowledge of the disease and skills for Glaucoma screening. As a preventive measure, over 200 elderly persons were screened for the disease in Olympian City, a shopping mall in Mongkok District.
With generous donations from the Chan Dang Social Services Foundation, S.K. Yee Medical Foundation, and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service Operation Light Project, 149 free low vision eye examinations, 162 subsidized low vision devices and 136 surgeries were provided to the poor low vision and cataract patients.
The Centre supported the "TRANSED 2010" by organizing public education exhibition, interactive games and demonstrations on visual impairment, and provided vision screening for hundreds of conference participants.
Three staff members of the Centre attended the 10th International Conference on Low Vision in Malaysia in February 2011. Four presentations were made separately at the scientific session, poster session and workshop of the Conference. Valuable information for the improvement of low vision services of GELVC was obtained through exchanges with conference delegates.
Vision 2020 - Low Vision Resource Centre (LVRC)
The Hong Kong Society for the Blind has helped tens of thousands of persons with visual impairment in the developing countries to enhance their eyesight and improve their quality of living by supplying high quality and affordable vision assessment equipments, and vision enhancement devices through its Vision 2020 - Low Vision Resource Centre (LVRC). The supportive services of LVRC have reached over 95 developing countries in the world and encompassed not only the supply of necessary equipment but training to advance the clinical low vision service and the management of resource distribution.
LVRC has regularly reviewed the types of low vision devices and assessment equipment needed to develop through consultation with the expert advisors. New vision assessment equipment and devices such as the Lang Stereo Test and low cost closed-circuit television reading aid were introduced in 2010/11 for the improvement of low vision service for its clients. The Centre has also supported the preparation of low vision service training curricula for members of the Low Vision Programme Committee of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness to be targeted for release in 2011/12.
The Centre sent its representatives to attend the 10th International Low Vision Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2011 to present low vison service models for the developing countries in the pre-conference workshop, and how the Centre could support the development of low vision service in the developing countries in the poster session. The presentations helped to promote the services of LVRC to more potential clients, and feedbacks from the audiences were encouraging.
Service Data 10/11
General Eye and Low Vision Centre
Total No. of Attendance
General Eye | 41,107 |
Low Vision | 1,857 |
Vision 2020 Low Vision Resource Centre
No. of low vision devices dispensed to deveoping countries | 22,412 pcs |
No. of developing countries served since the inception of the Centre in 2003 | 95 countries |
Residential Services
Innovative Programmes for Pro-life Care Enrichment
With a grant of $97,000 from S.K. Yee Medical Foundation, we have been able to purchase an "Experia Vitalstim Therapy Clinical Device", for conducting an innovative programme in the Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind and Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind. The device was used by our accredited Occupational Therapist for assessment and training of frail residents who had difficulty in swallowing. The Vitalstim Experia showed a marked improvement in residents' swallowing ability when compared to the conventional oral motor training thus enhancing the quality of life of the residents.
An Enhanced Care Team led by the para-medical service team was established in 2010 at the Morning Glory Day Activity Centre cum Hostel to provide the "best possible care" to the aged and frail residents of multiple disabilities and visual impairment (MDVI). Additional funding for provision of physiotherapy service has been received from the Social Welfare Department since August 2010.
Positive Living by Life-long Learning & Social Inclusion
"Happy Living" programmes were launched in the aged blind homes throughout the year to promote health, happiness and a positive outlook on life for the residents. In collaboration with the Christian Alliance College, the first-ever Visually Impaired Elder Academy was established in Hong Kong with classes conducted at the Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind. The studies covered a wide variety of subjects, from the use of computer to pottery whistle. During this period, a drama group was formed by the aged blind residents and volunteers from the community at Bradbury Care and Attention Home for the Aged Blind.
The "Happy Clowns" and the "Cheers" Band formed by residents of the Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel and Bradbury Home were often invited to perform in the community and social inclusion programmes to demonstrate the abilities and positive image of the MDVI.
With financial support from Dr Affandy Hariman and funds raised through the efforts of Ms Annie Fonda, two exchange tours to Wuhan and Shanghai Expo & Shanghai Blind School were conducted for our clients in September and October 2010 respectively. The clients thoroughly enjoyed this new travelling and visitation experience.
Promotion of Service and Clients’ Participation
Two service promotion days were held on 23 June 2010 at Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind and 8 July 2010 at Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind respectively, with a total of 110 participants, including social workers, elderly service users from NGOs as well as the elderly. Participants were introduced the residential services for the aged blind and the application procedures.
Due to the ageing of MDVI, a three-year "Carers Successor Scheme" had been implemented since 2008 at the Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel to solicit the support of residents' siblings to care for their multiply handicapped brothers/sisters and yielded good result. The Morning Glory Parents Association (朝陽家長會) was renamed as Morning Glory Parents and Relatives Association (朝陽家長親屬會) in January 2011 to include siblings who succeeded their parents as carers.
Prevention in Action
Risk management was implemented for recognizing, identifying and controlling the exposures to loss or injury and to develop efficient plan and strategy for minimization of anticipated risks and crisis affecting service operation and quality.
In order to raise awareness of occupational safety and health (OSH) as well as to prevent work injury, pre-work stretching exercise was implemented in all residential homes. "OSH Slogan Competition" and "OSH Fun Day" to promote OSH awareness among staff members were held during the year at Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind. An "OSH" week was also launched at Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind.
On drug management, measures were taken to prevent any medication errors. Both the Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind and Bradbury Care & Attention Home had joined the pilot project of Visiting Pharmacist Service in 2010/11 to improve the drugs handling skills of the nursing staff within the Homes.
With a generous donation of $304,000 from the S.K.Yee Fund for the Disabled, an Integrative Therapy Corner was set up at Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind in August 2010 to conduct physical training and rehabilitation programmes for the residents by both the physiotherapist and the occupational therapist. An integrated team was also set up in August 2010 at the Bradbury Care & Attention Home for the Aged Blind comprising the physiotherapist, occupational therapist and social worker to provide professional assessment and training to the residents.
To share our professional experiences and findings, the occupational therapists of the Dementia Care Team and the social workers of Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel (MGCH) presented papers and posters at the 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development held from 10-16 June 2010 in Hong Kong.
Two occupational therapists of the Dementia Care Team presented a talk on the topic "讓愛川流不息 - Caring for Demented Residents with Visual Impairment" at the professional seminar conducted by Helping Hands on 25 October 2010.
The clients and staff of Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel, Bradbury Home and Joyful Home attended the AWID Conference (第六屆華人社區啟智服務會議) held between 26-29 May 2010. Two papers were presented at the Conference by the Superintendent and the social workers.
The Superintendent of MGCH was involved in organizing a seminar of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service on "Care for the Aged and Frailty and Community Support to the Aged and Frail Intellectual Disability" held on 4 January 2011. The Assistant Superintendent of MGCH presented the "Carer Successor Scheme" at the seminar whereas the Occupational Therapist of MGCH was a member of the Working Group on Formulation of Ageing Assessment Checklist of Intellectual Disability.
Redevelopment Project of the Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind
We are most grateful to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for its generous donation of HK$166.3 million in support of the redevelopment of the Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind as well as the conversion of Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind to facilitate the temporary relocation of the Yuen Long Home residents during the construction period of the new Home. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by 2013 to accommodate the 80 aged blind residents originally resided in the Home. In addition, there will be 40 self-financing beds for the needy elderly and a Day Activity Centre cum Hostel providing day training and residential care for 40 multiply handicapped persons with visual impairment.
The conversion of the Tuen Mun Home, which commenced in July 2010, would be completed in April 2011. The residents and their family members were well informed of the progress of the conversion work. Careful arrangements were made to minimize disturbances caused to the existing residents. At the same time, communications with the residents and family members of the Yuen Long Home were ongoing to ensure a smooth relocation of the residents from Yuen Long to the Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind once a licence with the new address was issued.
Service Data 10/11
Enrolment in each of the Home as at 31 March 2011
Bradbury Care and Attention Home for the Aged Blind
Male | 19 |
Female | 30 |
Total | 49 |
Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind
Female | 73 |
Total | 73 |
Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind
Care and Attention Section | |
Male | 27 |
Female | 27 |
Infirmary Section | |
Male | 4 |
Female | 12 |
Total | 70 |
Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind
Care and Attention Section | |
Male | 53 |
Female | 132 |
Infirmary Section | |
Male | 6 |
Female | 20 |
Total | 211 |
Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel
Day Training Centre
Male | 33 |
Female | 29 |
Total | 62 |
Male | 32 |
Female | 30 |
Total | 62 |
Bradbury Home
Male | 4 |
Female | 6 |
Total | 10 |
Joyful Home
Male | 5 |
Female | 3 |
Total | 8 |
Barrier Free Access and Adaptive Equipment Services
Barrier Free Access Technology Service Centre (BFATSC)
Barrier Free Access Technology Service Centre (BFATSC) BFATSC developed some new facilities in 2010/11. The three most outstanding ones were:
1.A new audible system with sensors installed under the tactile symbols of tactile map was developed and tested with satisfactory result. This new design would give more concise information and clear instruction to people with visual impairment. Demonstrations were made at the exhibition of TRANSED 2010 and at a forum of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service Network for the Visually Impaired. Three multi-sensory maps with this new design were installed in Yau Lai Estate in March 2011.
2. To facilitate the use of ATMs by the visually impaired, BFATSC supplied about 7,000 sets of tactile symbols to the Hong Kong Association of Banks and other commercial banks. The tactile signs can help the visually impaired locate the card slots, collect cash and receipt with ease.
3. BFATSC designed, supplied and installed two tactile maps with audible system inside the Hong Kong Garden for the International Horticulture Exposition 2011 which was held in Xi'an in April 2011. This was the first time BFATSC was engaged in the barrier free access project in Mainland China.
Two representatives of BFATSC presented a paper and a poster at the Conference of TRANSED 2010 hosted by the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation. The paper entitled "Signs with large print and Braille message at pedestrian crossing" won the Best Paper Award under the theme of "Environmental and Technological Issues in Accessible Transport". The two representatives also served on the Exhibition Organizing Committee of TRANSED 2010, to advise on the design and operation of the Accessible Community Zone to promote the importance of barrier free access to the disabled. A promotional booth was set up at the exhibition to promote the Centre's products and services to many local and overseas delegates. Positive feedbacks were received, especially the tactile map with new audible system.
A three-hour training workshop was organized by the Centre for the managerial staff of the Leisure & Cultural Services Department in July 2010 to enhance their knowledge about barrier free access facilities and skills in serving people with visual impairment.
Adaptive Equipment Service
The objective of the Adaptive Equipment Service is to sell and to provide support service of adaptive equipment to help the visually impaired to stay active at work, in school and in the community so as to improve their quality of life.
In 2010/11, a series of new and affordable products such as: low price ebook players; Portable Magnifiers – Pebble 4.3; Aukey and Desktop CCTVs – SmartView Synergy; Merlin2 and Transformer USB; new BrailleNote Apex Notetaker; Next Generation Perkins Brailler and Pearl with OpenBook OCR systems etc. were introduced to customers.
Service Data 10/11
Barrier Free Access Technology Service Centre
No. of tactile Maps Designed and Produced | 85 pcs |
Adaptive Equipment Service
Service Sales Income (HK$) | 2,620,556 |
Quantities Sold |
399 pieces |
Education and Community Support Services
Centralised Braille Production Centre (CBPC)
During the year under review, the Centre completed braille transcription of 537 books of 218,842 master braille sheets, while the overall production (including copies) numbered 5,429 volumes and 605,454 braille sheets (included loose sheets).
During the year, CBPC explored to further develop its service span and scope of the production of braille books, such as books for children, teenagers and adults. In order to select and prepare suitable text files to Information Accessibility Centre (IAC) for their Audio E-book Production Project, a pilot test was conducted by CBPC to supply selected scanned and edited text to IAC for producing "text-to-speech" audio books.
In 2010, CBPC completed a users' survey, in which 216 questionnaires were delivered to parents, teachers and students, a total of 109 questionnaires were collected, representing a response rate of 50.46%. According to the collected questionnaires, over 80% gave positive feedbacks: "very satisfied", "satisfied" and "acceptable", on the production quality and timely collection of braille books.
In the year, CBPC further developed the existing computer management system to provide work analysis for textbook teaching schedule and deadline management. The first stage system upgrade was launched since October 2010.
Moreover, two TigerPro embossers and tactile diagram equipment were acquired to ensure production continuity. The three Braillo embossers were also overhauled in the year.
Information Accessibility Centre (IAC)
Films with Audio Description
The provision of audio description to help the visually impaired enjoy the wonder of watching films was one of our most successful services. Viewing films has become one of our members' favourite hobbies. From April 2010 to March 2011, 27 film shows with live audio description were organized, including 3 films at cinemas. The total number of attendees was 1,066.
During the past year, the development of films with audio description had been moving ahead with many new attempts in the year.In September 2010, the first Chinese DVD "After Shock" with Cantonese audio description was released. It marked the beginning of the awareness of the needs of the visually impaired consumers by the film industry.
In March 2011, IAC jointly organized an Audio Description Training Workshop with Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK). An international audio description specialist, Mr. Joel Snyder, was invited to conduct a training workshop for over 80 attendees, which included people from the film industry, performing art, volunteers and staff of the HKSB and ADAHK.
This year closed with a promising new development in audio description in Hong Kong. In March 2011, IAC collaborated with Create Hong Kong of Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to conduct a one-year project on "Development of Audio Description Services for Hong Kong Films". The project aims to promote audio description in films widely in the community and to develop training grounds for provision of audio describers to meet the potential market needs for audio description in Chinese films.
Outing with Audio Description
We also introduced audio description to our cultural and leisure activity. In November 2010, during the exhibition of the "River of Wisdom – Animated Version of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" held at the Asia World-Expo of the Hong Kong International Airport, our volunteers provided audio description to the visually impaired members to help them appreciate the riverside scenes shown on the animated version. Members spoke highly of this service.
Tele-digital Library Services for the Visually Impaired
The number of visitors accessing to talking books/magazines, daily newspapers and other information through our Tele-digital Library for the Visually Impaired continued to increase. In 2010-2011, the average monthly hit rate was 25,843.
Talks of Different Interests
To widen the exposure and knowledge of the visually impaired, IAC organized 14 talks of different interests for our members. Our guest speakers included writers, judge, dentist, chef, movie star, air hostess, and etc. These talks were well received by members.
Helping Mainland China Schools to open Course on "English for Masseurs"
In order to help visually impaired masseurs improve their English communication, apart from introducing the book "English for Masseurs" to the visually impaired masseurs in Hong Kong, IAC also introduced the book to the visually impaired masseurs in Mainland China as well as donating 50 sets of Putonghua braille version to the Hadley School for the Blind in Fuzhou. We also helped them to start a distance-learning course on "English for Masseurs" in September 2010.
Hotline technical support and assistive tools consultation services continued to help many visually impaired to solve the problems arising from the use of ICT and adaptive technologies. During the year under review, 1,008 calls were received from members, representing a 36% rise of the service when compared with the previous year.
Web Accessibility Test
IAC provided 14 web accessibility evaluation services for Government, companies and other agencies requesting such services in the year. Opinions of the visually impaired users were reflected to the website administrators with a view to raising awareness of the needs of the visually impaired in accessing various websites.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: The Parents Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children
During the year under review, the Centre continued to provide appropriate training, family and social activities to suit the needs of its members, resulting in an increase in the numbers of both family and individual members.
Variety Concert
In March 2011, a special Variety Concert was held to provide a comfortable environment to some of the less-confident visually impaired children and youth, especially those with multiple handicaps, to give public performances. Family members of the visually impaired, students of the Yew Chung International School and members of the Energy@ Candy's Music and Happy Teen Club joined the Concert to show their support to the visually impaired performers. The performances included playing of electronic piano, violin, Chinese musical instruments, story-telling, singing and dancing as well as Judo playing. Members who had received radio programme training before, took turn to be the Masters of Ceremony to demonstrate their public speaking skills. The parents enjoyed the Concert very much and were impressed by the first stage performance of their children.
Judo Classes
With professional coaching and technical support of the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled, Judo classes were organized for members of the Centre. One of the main objectives of the programme was to provide proper training to develop the potentials of some talented members so that they could take part in local and international Judo competitions in future.
Scholarship for students with Visually Impairment & Extra-curricular Activities Scholarship for Visually Impaired Students
The Centre helped in organizing the "Extra-curricular Activities Scholarship for Visually Impaired Students", and the "Scholarship for Students with Visual Impairment". Awards were given to 48 visually impaired students to enable them to participate in extra-curricular activities as well as the purchase of adaptive equipment and visual aids for academic studies and different arts courses.
Resource Centre for the Deafblind (RCDB)
Social Inclusion Programmes
It has always been the aim of RCDB to encourage members of the public to be in touch with the deafblind so that they would have a better understanding of their needs which is a way to promote the social inclusion concept. During the months of May, September and October 2010, 43 persons from three different organisations participated in the Centre's activities. The participating organizations included HKUGA Primary School, Lok Kwan Social Service and H2H Volunteer Group. Participants were primary students and people from all walks of life. Through interactive games, performances and presentation of gifts, the deafblind members could feel the care and concern of the volunteers. The volunteers also made use of the opportunity to learn and practise tactile sign language so that they could communicate better with the deafblind.
Deafblind Angel Scheme
Volunteers are the angels to the deafblind; with volunteers' support, the deafblind were able to gain wider exposure and enrichment of life. During the months of May, September and October 2010, under the Deafblind Angel Scheme, several programmes were launched for people in the community to interact with our deafblind members, to understand their special needs and to learn how to communicate with them through tactile sign language. To show their love and care, the volunteers visited members at home during festive days, and to be their communicator/guide during social activities.
Community Support and Recreational Service (CSRS)
CSRS continued to provide emotional support services to the newly blind waitlisted for training at our Rehabilitation Centre. Services included recreational, educational and developmental group activities for the graduates of the Rehabilitation Centre to strengthen their abilities to lead a meaningful and independent life.
Up to 31 March 2011, a total of 540 persons registered under the Community Support and Recreational Service with 402 being visually impaired members, 31 family members and 107 volunteers. During the year, CSRS organized five festive and seasonal programmes for a total of 222 participants, and 13 outdoor activities for a total of 490 participants. In addition, 31 group activities were organized with the participation of 490 members.
Volunteers Development Service (VDS)
2011 Volunteers cum Corporate Supporters Appreciation Ceremony The 2011 Volunteers cum Corporate Supporters Appreciation Ceremony was successfully held on 25 March 2011 with awards presented to over 300 volunteers, including individuals, 16 corporations, 10 social service groups and 10 supporting partners. In celebration of the Society's 55th Anniversary, Long Service Awards were also presented to 76 volunteers. It was a meaningful and memorable event; most enjoyable to all guests and participants.
Service Data 10/11
Centralised Braille Production Centre
Transcription Completed
Books (Titles)
English | 151 |
Chinese | 386 |
Articles / Documents
English | 319 |
Chinese | 934 |
Thermoformed / Embossed / Bound
Books (Volumes) | 5,429 |
Books / Articles / Documents (Sheets) | 637,396 |
Information Accessibility Centre
Members | 2,781 |
Tele-digital Library Service for the Visually Impaired
Readers' Access | 310,119 (calls) |
Netshare for the Visually Impaired
Hit Rate | 574,697 |
Braille Books | 9,928 (titles) |
Talking Books | 5,419 (titles) |
Music Compact Discs | 5,220 (discs) |
CD-ROMs / VCDs /DVDs | 6,399 (discs) |
Talking Books | 115,934(cassettes) |
Braille Books | 14,257(volumes) |
Talking Periodicals | 17,339(cassettes) |
Brialle Periodicals | 5,207(volumes) |
Music Compact Discs | 4,534(discs) |
CD-ROMs / VCDs /DVDs | 3,529(discs) |
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant:
Parents Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children
Members | 883 |
Affiliated Memebrs | 73 |
Member Attendance
Drop-in members | 2,539 |
Visitors | 150 |
Enquiries / Referrals | 91 |
Toy & Resource Loans | 383 |
Toy & Resource Library Collections
Educational Toys | 461 |
Reference Books | 900 |
Educaitonal Compact Discs | 289 |
Learning Tapes | 442 |
Video Tapes | 121 |
Video Compact Discs | 726 |
CD-ROMs | 101 |
Resource Centre for the Deafblind
Individual Membership: | |
Individual Honorary Members | 3 |
Individual Life Members | 18 |
Individual Ordinary Members (Deafblind) | 52 |
Individual Ordinary Members (Workers / Carers) | 32 |
Total | 105 |
Organisation Membership: | |
Organisation Life Members | 10 |
Ordinary Associate Members | 1 |
Total | 11 |
Community Support and Recreational Services
Visually Impaired Members | 402 |
Family Members | 31 |
Volunteer Members | 107 |
Sex Distribution
Male | 209 |
Female | 331 |
Age Profile
0-20 | 10 |
21-30 | 42 |
31-40 | 40 |
41-50 | 130 |
51-60 | 145 |
61-70 | 116 |
70 Above | 57 |
Number of Attendance
Festival Programmes | 222 |
Outings | 490 |
RC Group Programmes | 528 |
Volunteer Development Service
Total number of volunteers registered
Individual volunteers | 821 |
Corporations and groups | 16 |