2016/2017 (Abstract)

2016 /17 Annual Report Abstract
Beyong the Diamond Jubilee: a Splendid Future for the Visually Impaired
Highlights of Events and Achievements
60th Anniversary Celebratory Events Highlights Video
Survey on Barrier Free Signage in Shopping Malls for the Visually Impaired (June 2015 to September 2016)
2016 Pacific Foundation Tandem Charity Ride (May to November 2016)
Over 5,000 participants attended
Kick-off Ceremony cum Carnival @ Cityplaza (21-22 May 2016)
Riders training (July-October 2016)
Press Conference (28 September 2016)
Tandem Charity Ride (27 November 2016)
Press Conference on Research Findings - “Swallowing Difficulties in Visually Impaired Elderly Population” (24 August 2016)
Click here to view Preliminary Research Results
Opening Ceremony of the Yuen Long General Eye and Low Vision Centre cum 2016 World Sight Day Vision Screening (12 October 2016)
“The Hong Kong Society for the Blind Jockey Club Yan Hong Building” Grand Opening cum Open Day (9&10 December 2016)
Over 250 visitors joined the Open Day
Commemorative publication “Hand in Hand 60 Years” (December 2016)
Centaline Charity Run Carnival 2017 (8 January 2017 )
1,500 runners included 75 visually impaired runners participated in the Charity Run
Rehabilitation Services
(As at 31/03/2017)
148 trainees completed rehabilitation & route orientation training
Rehabilitation Centre
No. of training session conducted 27,089
Resource Centre for the Deafblind
No. of members 149
Certificate Course for the Communicator Guide for the Deafblind
Total no. of participants 43
Total no. of qualified communicator 39
Communicator Guide Service for the Deafblind
No. of communicator service provided 95
Residential Services
Enrolment as at 31/03/2017
619 persons received residential services
Home | Male | Female | Total |
Bradbury Care and Attention Home for the Aged Blind
20 | 30 | 50 |
Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind
N/A | 77 | 77 |
Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind Care and Attention Section |
27 | 27 | 54 |
Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind Infirmary Section |
11 | 8 | 19 |
Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind Care and Attention Section |
68 | 120 | 188 |
Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind Infirmary Section |
8 | 26 | 223 |
Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel Day Training Centre |
33 | 28 | 61 |
Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel Hostel |
32 | 29 | 61 |
Home of Delight |
14 | 19 | 33 |
Home of Wellness Basic Care |
N/A | 3 | 3 |
Home of Wellness Enhanced Care |
6 | 14 | 20 |
Home of Wellness Infirmary Care |
2 | 4 | 6 |
Employment Services
(As at 31/03/2017)
visually impaired masseurs /masseuses provided 35,413 hours of service to customers
The Career Support and Development Centre
Employment Service
No. of job seekers already gainfully employed | 58 |
No. of job vacancy referrals | 530 |
Health Massage and Treatment Centres
Total No. of Customers 13,775
Factory for the Blind
211 persons were being employed
Sales HK$16,430,222
Barrier Free Facilities and Adaptive Equipment Services
(As at 31/03/2017)
designed & produced 145 pcs of tactile maps
Adaptive Aids and Equipment Service Centre
Adaptive Equipment Sales
Repairs and Maintenance | 185 |
Braille and Speech Devices | 49 |
Magnification Software | 123 |
Portable Magnifiers | 66 |
Embossers | 4 |
Desktop CCTVs | 71 |
ScreenReader Software | 92 |
Barrier Free Access (HK) Limited
No. of customers served 400
Eye Care and Low Vision Services
(As at 31/03/2017)
provided 44,670 times eye care consultation services
Total No. of Patient Attendance | |
No. of ophthalmic consultations | 23,100 |
No. of optometric consultations (including 531 low vision cases) | 21,570 |
No. of major eye surgery | 1,137 |
Vision 2020 - Low Vision Resource Centre
No. of low vision devices dispensed to developing countries 12,127 Pcs
Education and Community Support Services
(As at 31/03/2017)
357,309 virtual visits of Tele-digital Library Service for the Visually Impaired
Centralised Braille Production Centre
Produced Braille eBooks |
563 titles |
Audio Braille Books |
60 titles |
Information Accessibility Centre
Members 3.075
Collection (書目 titles)
Braille Books |
13,378 |
Talking Books |
7,062 |
Public Education
Public Education Programme
No. of participants 9,367
Volunteer Development Service
Total No. of service hours
Individual volunteers | 24,875 |
Corporate volunteers | 4,321 |
Parents Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children
Drop-in members | 4,169 |
No. of Programmes | 383 |
Financial Highlights
Total recurrent income in 2016/17 HK$254,256,166
Dues & Fees | HK$58,364,637 (22.96%) |
Sales | HK$29,587,093 (11.64%) |
Education Bureau | HK$13,688,728 (5.38%) |
The Community Chest of Hong Kong | HK$7,314,015 (2.88%) |
Donation | HK$5,478,108 (2.15%) |
SWD Subvention | HK$127,869,451 (50.29%) |
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Grant | HK$2,035,257 (0.80%) |
Other Incomes | HK$9,918,878 (3.90%) |
Total recurrent expenditure in 2016/17 HK$255,574,783
Personal Emoluments |
HK$165,973,812 (64.94%) |
Repairs and Maintenance |
HK$15,214,102 (5.96%) |
Cost of Goods Sold | HK$21,382,363 (8.37%) |
Miscellaneous Expenses | HK$13,178,136 (5.16%) |
Programme Expenses | HK$32,100,460 (12.56%) |
Utilities | HK$7,698,910 (3.01%) |
Our Vision
To provide services to help maximize the capabilities of the visually impaired, facilitate their equal participation in society and improve their quality of life with a view to achieving a harmonious and inclusive society.
Our sincerest thanks to all related government departments, organizations, donors, volunteers and supporters for your guidance and support to our services.
Contact Us
Address: 248 Nam Cheong Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon
Tel: 2778 8332
Fax: 2788 0040
Email: enquiry@hksb.org.hk
Website: www.hksb.org.hk