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“Last Order” of The Factory for the Blind at To Kwa Wan

On Oct. 12, 2022 in morning, The Factory for the Blind received its “last order”: sewing two special badges on top of 60 pieces of our “Mok Cheong Street No. 19” brand-item – canvas tissue cases. This activity was participated by Keung To KT Music Support Team and Ngong Ping 360 Caring Team, together with our trainees. After then, goods then passed to Career Support and Development Centre for “Dot-Shop” online selling.

Special tissue case for the “Last Order” of The Factory for the Blind

Special tissue case for the “Last Order” of The Factory for the Blind.

As per reported, all goods were sold out within 45 minutes after products were launched. We take our gratitude to both the buyers and the two participated institutions that they showed great supports to our society. Ngong Ping 360 donated the same amount to The Factory for the Blind. 

Last Order Activity – Every participants were happy to join this event

All participants were completed this “Last Order” with happiness, and the removal date was just 5 days after the activity, The Factory for the Blind temporarily moved to the new premise of No. 16 Clear Water Bay Road.  By this redevelopment, this aim to help us to provide more services to the needs and benefit to more service users with appropriated, professional and diversified training services.  At last, it enhance their social inclusion activities and chance of disabilities’ open employment. Please continue to support our Factory’s work!

Special tissue case for the “Last Order” of The Factory for the Blind.