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《Communication without Barrier - Deafblind Training》&《Tactual Sign Language Chinese Vocabulary 2》New Book Launching Ceremony cum Training Workshop

The event was held on 12 June, 2010 at the Assembly Hall of HKSB Headquarters. A total of around 110 professional workers, teachers of special schools, volunteers and deafblind members participated. Mr. Stephen Siu, Commissioner for Rehabilitation of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, attended as the Chief Officiating Guests. Father Cyril Axelrod hosted the “Professional Training Workshop on Deafblind services – from England to Hong Kong” and taught workshop participants communication skills with deafblind persons.

To order the 《Communication without Barrier - Deafblind Training》&《Tactual Sign Language Chinese Vocabulary 2》, please contact Deafblind Resource Centre at 2778 8088.

About《Communication without Barrier - Deafblind Training Manual with Chinese Tactile Sign Language (HK) Vocabulary 2 DVD》and Order Form

《Communication without Barrier - Deafblind Training》&《Tactual Sign Language Chinese Vocabulary 2》New Book Launching Ceremony cum Training Workshop