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Interacted with the public by participating different booth activity

HKSB units would participate in different expos and booth activities, so as to reach out more public to let them know our services and the abilities of the visually impaired persons.


Supported by “Support the Employment of People with Disabilities”, the Factory for the Blind, Resource Centre for the Deafblind and Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel joined the “52th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo” from 28 Dec 2017 to 2 Jan 2018, throughout the sales of products made by disabled persons, the public are able to know more about their abilities and enhance the social inclusion.


The Factory for the Blind also joined the “Recognition Ceremony for Carers of Persons with Disabilities cum Rehabilitation Service Organization Social Enterprises Expo” organized by the Central, Western, Southern and Islands District Co-ordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Service of Social Welfare Department at Sheung Wan Promenade. Apart from selling products of “19 Mok Cheong Street”, we have also taught our service users selling and booth decoration techniques, to enhance their working ability. The Factory received the “The most favorite booth” merit award among 19 booths.


Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary came to our booth at the HK Brands and Products Expo and bought our products.

Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary came to our booth at the HK Brands and Products Expo and bought our products.

The Factory received the “The most favorite booth” at the “Recognition Ceremony for Carers of Persons with Disabilities cum Rehabilitation Service Organization Social Enterprises Expo”


Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary came to our booth at the HK Brands and Products Expo and bought our products.