Subsidy in Visual Impairment Rehabilitation Scheme
Have you ever thought that reading a book or a newspaper becomes impossible without special glasses or assistive devices for visually impaired persons? Many people find spectacles expensive in Hong Kong, do you agree that visually impaired persons need to spend much more in spectacles than the normal eye sighted persons? Many visually impaired persons require customized lenses that cater to unique vision needs, such as high prescriptions or specialized coatings (e.g., anti-reflective or transition lenses). Vision can change more frequently for those with certain conditions, necessitating regular updates to their eyewear. This means they may need to purchase new spectacles more often than those with stable vision. Also, visually impaired persons may require more durable frames that can withstand daily wear and tear. All these factors contribute to the higher expenses associated with obtaining and maintaining proper eyewear for visually impaired individuals.
Our General Eye and Low Vision Centre is excited to introduce "Subsidy in Visual Impairment Rehabilitation Scheme”, which is a new initiative aimed at enhancing the lives of individuals with visual impairments in our community. This scheme is designed to provide financial support for assistive devices, spectacles and training programs that empower visually impaired individuals to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. Under this new scheme, optometrists provide comprehensive eye examination for the visually impaired persons, prescribe suitable assistive devices and spectacles to them, and give them proper trainings in using these devices.
In order to help the visually impaired adapt to the changing social environment, our new programme will also provide them with free training on popular apps designed for the visually impaired, guiding them to make good use of technology to enhance their competitiveness. We have always believed that everyone has the opportunity to enhance their vision and improve overall quality of life.
For enquiry, please contact our General Eye and Low Vision Centre at 3723 8272 or using Whatsapp to leave message at 5667 5904.