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Audio Description Training Programme of Film Completed and concluded by Graduation Ceremony on 12 October 2022

With the support from the Film Development Fund and CreateHK, the Hong Kong Society for the Blind (HKSB) has organized “Audio Description Training Programme of Film” which lasted over a year. 36 trainees have graduated from the training programme after completing a 3-phase training and become the new blood to the AD service development for Hong Kong films.

It is glad to learn the AD training programme kick-off ceremony held in May 2021 has successfully raised the public awareness and attention about AD services. We received over 300 applications for the training programme, among which 120 were selected to join the elementary training programme. 64 of them were able to enter advanced level and continued to consolidate skills of AD scriptwriting, narration, film appreciation & analysis and receive vocal training. At the end, 36 of them completed the last phase training of AD recording practicum and graduated from the programme.

A graduation ceremony was held at the auditorium of HKSB on 12 October 2022, it is our honour to have Mr. Gary Mak, Assistant Head of CreateHK(2)/Secretary General of Film Development Council to be the officiating guest. Other guests included the Honourable Kenneth Fok, JP (Legislative Council Member of Functional Constituency - Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication), Ms. Mabel Cheung, Vice-Chairperson of The Film Development Council/ President of Hong Kong Film Directors' Guild, Mr. Clarence Yang, Honorary Audio Description Service Advisor and film critic Mr. Thomas Shin. Guests from the film industry, cultural and academic fields also attended to show their support for the AD service development.

Guests from film industry, cultural and academic fields attended to witness the new blood brought to the audio description (AD) service development for Hong Kong films


Ms. Maureen Tam, Chief Executive of HKSB giving welcome speech

Ms. Maureen Tam, Chief Executive of HKSB giving welcome speech

Mr. Gary Mak, Assistant Head of CreateHK/Secretary General of Film Development Council giving speech

Mr. Gary Mak, Assistant Head of CreateHK/Secretary General of Film Development Council giving speech

Ms. Maureen Tam, Chief Executive of HKSB presenting Certificates of Appreciation to course instructors including Ms. Mabel Cheung, Mr. Thomas Shin and Mr. Clarence Yang

Ms. Maureen Tam, Chief Executive of HKSB presenting Certificates of Appreciation to course instructors including Ms. Mabel Cheung, Mr. Thomas Shin and Mr. Clarence Yang

Graduates representatives giving Thank You speech

Graduates representatives giving Thank You speech

Graduate representatives presenting Thank You Cards to course instructors, Mr. Clarence Yang, Ms. Mabel Cheung and Mr. Thomas Shin

Graduate representatives presenting Thank You Cards to course instructors, Mr. Clarence Yang, Ms. Mabel Cheung and Mr. Thomas Shin

MC chit-chatted with visually impaired member, Mr. Kwan Chi-wai

MC chit-chatted with visually impaired member, Mr. Kwan Chi-wai

Artiste, Ms. Jennifer Yu, Audio Description Ambassador of HKSB congratulates graduates through video

Artiste, Ms. Jennifer Yu, Audio Description Ambassador of HKSB congratulates graduates through video

Sharing by The Honourable Kenneth Fok, JP (Legislative Council Member of Functional Constituency - Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication)

Sharing by The Honourable Kenneth Fok, JP (Legislative Council Member of Functional Constituency - Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication)

Group photoGroup photo

Group photo