Home > News > News > Congratulations to the Rehabilitation Centre being awarded the Golden Award in the third “Third Age Persons Consumer Culture Study Award (TAPA) 2012-13” organized by the Consumer Council

Congratulations to the Rehabilitation Centre being awarded the Golden Award in the third “Third Age Persons Consumer Culture Study Award (TAPA) 2012-13” organized by the Consumer Council

To promote public understanding about the consumer behavior of the elderly people – the third age, the Consumer Council organized the third “Third Age Persons Consumer Culture Study Award” in the year 2012-13. The study projects submitted centered around the behaviors, phenomena and consumer culture of the third age to arouse public awareness of the issues faced by third-age consumers.

“The Invisible Consumer Life" is the report submitted by our Rehabilitation Centre which recorded two of our visually impaired members’ positive and negative experience in everyday shopping. Difficulties encountered by visually impaired persons from personal experience in doing shopping were described in the report to improve public understanding of their special needs. The report gained high regard from the adjudicators and being awarded the Golden Award for 2012-13.


The Awards Ceremony was held on 23 July, 2013 at Academic Community Hall. Prof. Wong Yuk Shan, Chairman of Consumer Council, presented the Award to our representatives.
Trainees and staff members of the Rehabilitation Centre attended the Ceremony to give support to the winners
Mei and Lan, our visually impaired members, and Ms. Chan Wai Ping, the social worker, pictured with Prof. Wong Yuk Shan, Chairman of Consumer Council and Mr. Ambrose Ho, Vice-Chairman of Consumer Council.
Ms. Maureen Tam, Chief Executive of HKSB (right), attended to show her support.
Mei and Lan, the two visually impaired members, shared experience encountered in daily shopping on stage.