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2019 Volunteers, Donors cum Corporate Partners Appreciation Ceremony

43,900 hours of voluntary services provided by volunteers in two years


The biennial event “2019 Volunteers, Donors cum Corporate Partners Appreciation Ceremony” was organized on 24 May 2019 and a total of 270 participants attended. We were most grateful to have Mr Leung Sai-cheong, Charles, Chief Social Work Officer (Medical Social Services and Mental Health Section) of Social Welfare Department, Ms Camilla Tsang, Vice-Chairman cum Chairman, Fundraising & Promotion Committee of Agency of Volunteer Service and Miss Nancy Law, Chairman of HKSB to officiate at the Ceremony. They all recognized the volunteers for their selfless dedication to the visually impaired persons.

In 2017-2018, a total number of 265 individual volunteers, who provided over 50 to 400 hours volunteer work, and 11 corporate volunteers, who provided over 100 to 800 hours of volunteer work, they received Golden Diamond, Purple Crystal, Gold, Silver and Bronze awards according to the hours of volunteer work provided. In addition, 31 companies and organizations were awarded as our Corporate Partner. Last but not least, 77 individual donors and 46 corporate donors were awarded, one Corporate and 2 donors received the Long-term Giving (Excellence) Award, which is the highest honour.

If you wish to join our volunteer work, please call us at 3723 8211 or email to volunteer@hksb.org.hk for enquiries.

Click here to see the awardees list and event brochure


We were grateful to Mr Leung Sai-cheong, Charles, Chief Social Work Officer (Medical Social Services and Mental Health Section) of Social Welfare Department (left 2) and Ms Camilla Tsang, Vice-Chairman cum Chairman, Fundraising & Promotion Committee of Agency of Volunteer Service (right 1) for their presence to officiate at the Ceremony.

We were grateful to Mr Leung Sai-cheong, Charles, Chief Social Work Officer (Medical Social Services and Mental Health Section) of Social Welfare Department (left 2) and Ms Camilla Tsang, Vice-Chairman cum Chairman, Fundraising & Promotion Committee of Agency of Volunteer Service (right 1) for their presence to officiate at the Ceremony.

Taiji Chinese Gongfu Fan Dance performance

Taiji Chinese Gongfu Fan Dance performance

Mr Leung Sai-cheong, Charles and visually impaired singer Mr Leung Kau sang together, to bring the event to a climax.

Mr Leung Sai-cheong, Charles and visually impaired singer Mr Leung Kau sang together, to bring the event to a climax.

The family members of one of the awarded volunteer came to the venue and showed their support

The family members of one of the awarded volunteer came to the venue and showed their support

Different group photos of participants  Different group photos of participants参加者难得聚在一起,把握机会合照  Different group photos of participantsDifferent group photos of participants  Different group photos of participants

Different group photos of participants

2019 Volunteers, Donors cum Corporate Partners Appreciation Ceremony