“Self-challenging and Breakthrough their Limitation” Trainees and workers from Factory for the Blind participated “Special Power Inclusion Dragon Boat” Competition
Factory for the Blind participated in the「Special Dragon Boat 2019」Competition under the team name of 「Mok Cheong Street 19」on Dragon Boat Festival at 6 July , 2019. A total of 21 trainees, workers and staffs attended six lessons of training for dragon boats racing skill and safety alert before the competition. We would like to explore their sport talents and aimed with “Self-challenging and Breakthrough their Limitation”. The disabilities need more efforts to overcome their weaknesses. We would like to have the public recognition for what they have done and to enhance their self-confidence and sense of success. It was an affirmation on the enhancement of disability inclusion.
「Mok Cheong Street 19」dragon boat team was granted for “The Merit Award” to thanks for the participants who devoted their great efforts in this activity.
Team uniform, medals and trophy.
Dragon boats race training
Took group photo before the competition.
Competition was finished, back to the shore!
Every Athletes from “Mok Cheong Street 19” were happy to get their medals.