Self Challenge by Taekwondo training
The Factory for the Blind provided Taekwondo training to their trainees since last April. After half-year lessons, they have learned about the Taekwondo fundamental skills and the physical training. After the examination, they passed and promoted from white-belt to yellow-belt. The result is very encouraging.
Moreover, they gave an excellent Taekwondo Performance in last Factory’s Christmas Party. They earnt a lot of applause from the audience. The event aimed to explore their talents and bring their potential into view with all challenges.
White-belt trainees learned Taekwondo fundamental skills from Master.
Trainees learned Taekwondo fancy skills from Master after promoting to yellow-belt Level.
Taekwondo Performance in last Factory’s Christmas Party. They won a lot of applause from the audience
Acknowledgement to :
Hong Kong Martial Truth Taekwondo Association
Mr. Jacky Leung (Great Master)
(second right, front row)