Re-Opening of HKSB Headquarters Lobby
The East Wing Lobby of HKSB Headquarters was built in 2000, after 20 years usage, the renovation job is just completed to match with the service development.
The Grand Opening was organized on 8 October, while it was the World Sight Day. We were altogether to celebrate on this special occasion.
It was glad that all the guests and colleagues got together to witness several good things, included: Re-opening of East Wing Lobby and unveil of the feature wall at Lobby, opening of Dotshop, opening of Vision Corner and service launching of “Support Service for the Visually Impaired and their Care-givers”, the scene was warm and exciting.
The feature wall gives audience a feeling that the world is full of color with hope and love, reflected when the visually impaired members received our service, they may not see clearer, but they could feel the brightness of the world.
The details of the feature wall is related to the daily life of the visually impaired, welcome to come and dig them out.
The Vision Corner with new image provides spectacles and therapeutical contact lenses prescription services. To prevent any vision problems of kids, parents would purchase suitable glasses of reasonable prices for them in the kids corner.
Dotshop is one of the service project from our Career Support and Development Centre, to provide practical retail training for the service users, equip them for open employment.
“Support Service for the Visually Impaired and their Care-givers” is a new service of HKSB, to provide one-stop support services to the visually impaired persons, their family members and care-givers so as to help them resolve the problems encountered in daily life or referral service by social worker to make good use of community resources and service to meet with their various needs.