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Updates of Factory for the Blind Redevelopment Project

In order to improve the service quality and shorten the waiting time for those who have service needs in the community, The Hong Kong Society for the Blind applied the “Special Scheme on Privately Owned Sites for Welfare Uses” launched by the Labour and Welfare Bureau to redevelop the Factory’s site located at To Kwa Wan. Besides the provision of existing services, Day Activity Centre and Hostels for the Moderately and Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons will also be included in the new building to respond to the needs of the community.

During the transition period, the Bradbury Care and Attention Home for the Aged Blind will temporarily decant to the Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind to continue its services. For the Factory, we are now exploring the feasibility to use S.K.H. St. John's Primary School in Ping Shek Estate as the temporary premise. In the past few weeks, we have arranged several community walks for our service users and their caregivers and collect their feedback about the decanting arrangement.


Site visit of S.K.H. St. John's Primary School

Site visit of S.K.H. St. John's Primary School

Site visit of S.K.H. St. John's Primary School

Site visit of S.K.H. St. John's Primary School

Site visit of S.K.H. St. John's Primary School