Factory for the Blind
Established in 1963, the Factory for the Blind is the vocational rehabilitation service unit under the Hong Kong Society for the Blind, provides different types of job training to the disabled persons. Our service users are able to learn different job skills through the Factory operation. They are able to achieve positive values by their jobs (establish self-esteem, self-confidence and independence), so as to increase the competitiveness and integrate into the society.
- To provide comprehensive job training, enhance open employment for the disabled persons.
- To provide employment opportunities to the disabled persons who are not able to adapt the working environment in the open market.
- To enhance service users’ self-confidence and social skills, assist them to integrate into the society through job trainings.
Service Target
- Disable persons aged 15 or above
- Good health condition, no infectious disease or severely physically handicapped
- No serious behavioral problem
- Basic self-care ability, willing to work
Application Procedure
Application can be referred by social workers from school, hospital, rehabilitation center to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services (CRSRehab) operated by the SWD.
Withdrawal Procedure
Service users and their family members may withdraw from the service as and when needed. Our social worker will follow up the case and make referral. Besides, by reviewing the physical condition, working ability and behavior of the service users from time to time, we shall work with the services users and their family members for referral to other more suitable placement.
Opening Hours
Mondays to Fridays: 9:00am - 4:45pm
Saturdays: 9:00am - 12:30pm
Closed on Sundays and public holidays
Service sponsored by The Community Chest
Subsidised Service by the Social Welfare Department
Telephone: 2362 0451
Email: factory@hksb.org.hk
Address: 16, Clear Water Bay Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong