Morning Glory Day Activity Centre cum Hostel
Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel is a part of the residential services to provide day care, training, personal caretaking and residents for those with intellectual disabilities as well as visual impairment.
- Provide training on self-care, social skill and simple work skills working techniques for service recipients.
- Provide appropriate training, quality nursing and residential care for individuals according to their needs in order to promote independent living.
- Prepare service recipients for transition to other services according to respective needs.
Services / Courses / Activities
1. Day Rehabilitation and Training
- Integrated rehabilitation and day training
- Daily Living Skills training (Horticulture ,Risk Management, Communication and Skills training)
- Individual Training Programmes
2. Extended Care Programme
- Individual Development Programme
- Rehabilitation and Treatment Programme
- Individual Service and Care Plan
3. Para-medical and Profressional Service
- Integrated Sensory-motor Rehabilitation Programme
- Multi-Intelligence training
- Deafblind training
- Speech therapy service
- Visiting Medical Practitioner Scheme
- Siu Lam Hospital Outreaching Service
- Central Para-Medical Support Service –Occupational Therapy
4. Residential Service
- Accommodation and meals
- Basic nursing care
- Health care and educational programmes
- Social and recreational activities
- Individual Care Plan
- Group Work
- Life education and Emotional Support
- Home van service
- Parents-relatives and families support
Service Target
- Intellectual Disabilities with visual impairment
- Aged 15 or above
- In need of rehabilitation and residential care
- Free from active infectious diseases and suitable for group living
Based on fees standard issued by the Social Welfare Department for DAC cum hostels.
Application Procedure
Referrals can be made by social workers and staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the Social Welfare Department.
Withdrawal / Discharge Procedure
Residents are free to apply for discharge from the Centre with at least a one-month notice. If residents no longer meet the Centre’s admission criteria or their behaviour puts other residents at risk, and if intervention by social workers are in vain, the Centre will notify the guarantor for discharge of the resident, referral to alternative placement will be made if necessary.
5. Day Respite Service
Service Description
It provides support and temporary daytime relief for family members or carers of persons with disabilities who are unable to take care of the persons with disabilities due to various commitments and sudden engagements. Its purpose is to make life for those involved in routine care for the persons with disabilities less stressful and more stimulating.
Eligibility for the Service
To be eligible for the service, an applicant should be:
- people with mental and/or physical handicap;
- aged 6 or above (individual service units will only admit persons with disabilities aged 15 or above);
- physically and mentally suitable for communal living and not having behavioural problem or contagious disease; and
- in need of a certain level of personal / or nursing care as well as training not beyond the level provided by the particular type of service unit.
Service Period
- Subject to the vacancies available in individual service units, the service period should be no more than 14 consecutive days in general;
- service can be utilised repeatedly; and
- the service units concerned may have the discretion to extend the service period in exceptional cases.
Application Procedures
- Application can be made by parents / carers directly or via social workers of medical social services units, integrated family services centres, special schools or rehabilitation service units to the service units operating the day respite service; and
- Applicants should complete a Declaration Form on Health Conditions for Admission to Day Respite Service and the service unit may further request the applicant to have medical examination as necessary.
6. Residential Respite Service
Service Description
It provides family members/carers of people with disabilities a planned short break so that they may attend to their personal business such as undergoing a medical operation or taking a vacation tour. Its purpose is to make life for those involved in routine care for people with disabilities less stressful and more stimulating. This service has been extended to serve children with disabilities aged from 6 to 15 since April 2008.
Eligibility for the Service
To be eligible for the service, an applicant should be:
- people with intellectual or physical disability or ex-mentally ill persons;
- aged 6 or above (individual service units will olny admit persons with disabilities aged 15 or above);
- physically and mentally suitable for communal living and not suffering from behavioural problem or contagious disease; and
- in need of a certain level of personal / nursing care not beyond the level provided by the particular type of residential service.
Service Period
- subject to the vacancies available in individual service units, the service period should be no more than 14 consecutive days in general;
- service can be utilized repeatedly;
- the service units concerned may have the discretion to extend the service period in exceptional cases.
Application Procedures
- Application can be made by parents/carers themselves directly or via social workers of medical social services units, integrated family services centres, special schools or rehabilitation service units to the homes or hostels operating the residential respite service:
- Applicants should complete a Declaration Form on Health Conditions for Admission to Residential Respite Service and the service unit may further request for medical examination if necessary.
Subsidised Service by the Social Welfare Department.
Telephone: 3723 8335 or 3723 8304
Address: 3/F&4/F, West Wing, 248 Nam Cheong Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon