Home of Delight
Established under the residential service, the Home of Delight is a supportive hostel providing home-style living for semi-independent residents with disabilities in need of assistance in daily lives.
- Develop independent living skills for residents through semi-independent and supportive residential care.
- Organize recreational activities and mutual support groups to broaden social networks for the residents and improve their confidence for social integration.
Services / Courses / Activities
1.Personal development programme
Residents can develop their personal hobbies and talents through interest groups to make life more meaningful and enjoyable.
2.Group work service
Various social and support groups for residents according to their needs.
3.Health care and education
Health talks on prevention of infectious disease, maintenance of personal hygiene, healthy diet for the residents and also close inspection of their physical health.
4.Home visits and family support
- Regular home visits
- Individual case discussions
- Family counselling and support service
5.Volunteers services development
- Volunteers recruitment and training
- Friendship building between residents and volunteers to broaden their social network and prepare for social integration.
Service Target
- Mentally handicapped with visual impairment
- Aged 15 or above
- In need of rehabilitation and residential care
- Free from active infectious diseases and suitable for group living
- Actively occupied in some form of employment or day training
Based on fees standard issued by the Social Welfare Department for supported hostels.
Application Procedure
Referrals can be made by social workers and staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the Social Welfare Department.
Withdrawal / Discharge Procedure
Residents are free to apply for discharge. If residents no longer meet the admission criteria or their behaviour puts other residents at risk, after intervention by social workers are in vain, the Home will notify the guarantor for discharge of the resident. Referral to alternative placement will be made if necessary.
Subsidised Service by the Social Welfare Department.
Telephone: 3955 3372
Fax: 3955 3373
Email: hod@hksb.org.hk
Address: 6/F, Jockey Club Yan Hong Building, No.169, Yuen Long On Ning Road, NT