Special Skill of Visually Impaired Persons 11- How to identify the direction of a face mask?
With the outbreak of the epidemic, everyone is looking for anti-epidemic equipment including the visually impaired. However, how can the visually impaired use the equipment properly? We will teach you how the visually impaired identify the direction of a face mask.
The visually impaired can identify the direction of the face mask and put it on correctly by simply using their sense of touch. Firstly, they have to identify the up and down direction. It is easy to understand the edge with wire is the upper part of the face mask. The front-to-back direction of the face mask is more difficult to distinguish. Sighted people would identify the side by the color of the face mask. For the visually impaired persons, when they feel the pleats are facing downward, it is the outside of a face mask. However, this also creates hygiene issue when they need to touch the mask. They can put a mark on the lanyard on the side of the mask, and the visually impaired can remember the mark to distinguish the direction.
Everyone should take adequate precautionary measures, and fight the virus together. We wish everyone the best of health.