Special Skill of Visually Impaired Persons 14: Dream a Little Dream
If we say that dreams are the process by which humans integrate information in daily life through the brain. So, is the dream scene of the visually impaired the same as their daily pictures? Let’s share with you the dreams of the visually impaired!
Some people said that visually impaired do not make dreams and this is totally wrong. Visually impaired also make dreams, but what are their dreams look like? The following dreams are shared by different degrees of visually impaired. Let’s have a look!
Mr. Cheung (A visually impaired with congenital mild low vision):
When I dream, what I see is similar to my daily life. Most of the time I am in third-person perspective, and I can see my-self participating in different activities.
Amy (A visually impaired with acquired severe low vision):
I made a dream that I am communicating with a customer when I was a saleslady, and it was still very clear and I could remember the face of the customer when I woke up.
Mr. Yip (An inborn visually impaired with totally blind):
My dreams are mainly contain sounds and smells. I made a very special and unforgettable dream before, in my dream I was playing football with my friends, I could clearly feel that I could see where the football came from, and kicked the football in the gate to make a goal.
Do the above experiences make you feel weird? In fact, dream is a personal experience, and it does not represent all visually impaired people. Wish all of you have a nice dream tonight!