Special skill of Visually Impaired Persons 8 – the duration of one subject examination equals to one day work?
There would be thousands of explanation on 25,200, in term of time, 25,200 seconds equal to 7 hours, which is around one-day normal working hours. When you finished your work, you would feel tired and exhausted. But, can you imagine, the examination time of visually impaired students can be as long as our daily working time?
We will share information about the special examination arrangement of visually impaired students. Normally, visually impaired students can apply for examination time extension according to their level of impairment under the Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority. The examination time can be extended to an extra 15%, 50% or 75% of the normal time per hour. Visually impaired students can also apply for a 5-minute break per hour if necessary. For example, a three-hour history examination, visually impaired students can maximumly extend their examination hours to seven hours including 75% extra time, one-hour lunch time and all break times. There is a visually impaired student shared his experience about having examination. He started his examination at eleven o’clock in the morning, when he stepped out of the examination hall after the exam, he discovered he couldn’t see well in the street, he started to worry about his eyes at first but later he found that it was almost 7 o’clock at night and all the things were getting dark. Therefore, it is not always good to have more examination time, the more time you have, the more pressure you tasted.
Those information above is for reference only, all special examination arrangement should be approved by the Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority with corresponding medical certificates.