Special Skill of Visually Impaired Persons 16 - Does a guide dog knows human language?
When talking about Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, we usually think of cutie guide dogs. Do you know how do visually impaired people communicate with them? We will introduce some common guide dog command.
A guide dog is a kind of working dog that leads the visually impaired. The first command for the visually impaired to learn is to walk forward ‘Forward’, to the left ‘Left’ and to the right ‘Right’. When the visually impaired stand next to the guide dog and say "Forward", then the guide dog will move forward and lead the visually impaired to walk straight. As well as turn left or turn right respectively. Have you ever thought about there is a command for a guide dog to pee or poo? When it’s time for the guide dog to do these, the visually impaired would put a plastic bag on its escape orifice, and then say "Busy", the guide dog will know that it’s time for her to pee or poo.
Please remember that after learning the above commands, do not try to order to a guidedog on the street. So as not to affect their work or cause danger to the visually impaired!