Special skills of visually impaired persons 5: Goalball
There are a lot of sports for us to play, but is it every sports is suitable for the visually impaired persons? Let us introduce a new and exciting sports to you - Goalball.
Goalball was invented after the Second World War. The sports was designed for the visually impaired perosns for rehabilitation and leisure purpose. As time goes by, it has been developed as an athletic sports. They are now one of the sports in the Paralympic Games. Goalball is a game played by two teams of three players each. They will be blinded folded before the match starts. The purpose of the game is for each team to throw the ball by hand, along the floor, with the intent of getting the ball across the opponent’s goal line while the other team attempts to prevent this from happening. They will score one point when the goals gets into the nets extend with the 9m width standing at each end of the court. Defender should stay in the defense area to stop the goal by using different defending skills such as Lying down to block the ball or catching and trapping the ball. Winner will be the team who got higher points.
Visually impaired persons would participate in sports activities like everyone. You may also grab a pair of eye mask and invite your friends for an exciting but safe game with Goalball!